fromisoformat() Function Of Class In Python

The fromisoformat() function is used to constructs a date object from a specified string that contains a date in ISO format. i.e., yyyy-mm-dd.

Syntax: @classmethod fromisoformat(date_string)

Parameters: This function accepts a parameter which is illustrated below:

  • date_string: This is the specified ISO format i.e., yyyy-mm-dd date string whose date object is going to be constructed.

Return values: This function returns a date object constructed from the specified ISO format date string.

Example 1: Getting a date object from a specified string that contains date in ISO format. i.e., yyyy-mm-dd


# Python3.7 code for Getting
# a date object from a specified
# string that contains date in
# ISO format. i.e., yyyy-mm-dd
# Importing datetime module
import datetime
# Initializing a date
Date = "2012-10-12";
# Calling fromisoformat() function to
# construct a object 
New_date =;
# Printing the new constructed date object
print("The constructed date object is: %s"%New_date);


The constructed date object is: 2012-10-12

Example 2: Get the newly created date object for the specified date.


# Python3.7 code for Getting
# a date object from a specified
# string that contains date in
# ISO format. i.e., yyyy-mm-dd
# Importing datetime module
from datetime import date
# Calling the fromisoformat() function
# to Print the new created date object
# for the specified date in
# ISO format of 2020-10-09

