GATE CS Exam Experience

How to get good marks with 2 months of preparation for the GATE CS examination?

Sure thing! You’re looking to share a plan on how to score 50+ in the GATE CS exam within just 2 months. This plan involves prioritizing subjects, knowing their marks’ weightage, dedicating time, and using specific study resources. Let’s break it down step by step:

  1. Subject Priority and Marks Weightage: Begin by understanding which subjects carry more marks and should be focused on first.
  2. Allocating Study Time: Divide your study time wisely among the subjects based on their importance and mark distribution.
  3. Study Material Recommendations: Use reliable study materials to effectively grasp the subjects and perform well.

By following these steps, you can optimize your preparation for the GATE CS exam and increase your chances of scoring over 50 points.

I’ve categorized the subjects into three sections for your GATE CS exam preparation:

  1. Examination Aptitude
  2. Engineering Mathematics & Data Management
  3. Core Computer Science Subjects.

For each of these sections, I’ll provide an estimated study duration and suggest study resources towards the end.

1) Aptitude:

Attaining a perfect score in the aptitude section with just a few hours of preparation is highly achievable. Allocate around 2 days for this section. On the first day, focus on directly tackling the Previous Year Questions (PYQs). You’ll likely find yourself comfortably answering over 70% of the questions without much difficulty, especially if you’re an average student. For the remaining 30%, invest more time and revisit them on the second day. You can search online for simpler methods to solve these questions. It’s worth noting that you won’t require any specific books for this section. No need for a book in this section.

Approx. time : 2 day (6 Hour/day)

2) Mathematics: EM & DM.

You’ll find that a good portion of Engineering Mathematics (EM) is familiar from your 11-12th grade studies. Refresh your memory by revisiting concepts and formulas. The reason is that similar concepts tend to reappear in this section, often accompanied by a few time-consuming or challenging questions. After refreshing, move on to solving Previous Year Questions (PYQs), which should take you around 1 day.

Now, shifting focus to Discrete Mathematics (DM), particularly Graph Theory, Propositional Logic, and Set Theory:

  • Graph Theory: Start by grasping the essential terminologies, such as Euler’s and Hamiltonian cycles, matching, and covering. It’s vital to develop a strong problem-solving approach. With just a single day of concentrated effort, you can comfortably tackle around 80% of the questions. On the second day, engage with PYQs.
  • Propositional Logic and Set Theory: Recall the definitions and terminologies you learned during your 12th-grade studies. Proceed to practice questions, dedicating a maximum of 3 days to this preparation.

In this section, your familiarity with EM concepts from earlier schooling will prove advantageous. Your targeted approach for DM, along with focused practice, should yield fruitful results.

Approx. time : 6 day

For 3rd you have to prior knowledge of CS core subjects.

3) Core Subjects: Now, let’s delve into the core subjects. Begin by identifying the subjects that come most easily to you. Establish a priority order among these subjects and start your preparation with the one you find the most manageable. In my personal experience, I found the order to be DBMS < OS < CD < TOC < DLD < CN < CO, with the left side representing easier subjects and the right side being more challenging.

Once you’ve selected a subject, approach it systematically. Compile a list of topics that are covered and have a history of being frequently asked in the GATE exam. Seek out the best available short notes for these topics; these will serve as valuable quick references. After familiarizing yourself with the concepts through these notes, move on to solving Previous Year Questions (PYQs) for that subject. This approach ensures you’re concentrating on what truly matters for the exam.

Repeat this process for all the other subjects in your list, which includes TOC, CD, DLD, CO, CN, Algorithms, and Programming. If you find that a couple of subjects remain untouched, or if you’ve prepared more extensively for the easy questions in certain subjects, don’t be overly concerned. Focus on building a strong foundation in the subjects you have prepared well.

As for resources, I recommend watching tutorials from various sources like YouTubers such as RBR, GATEApplied course, and GateOverflow. These resources often provide clear explanations and insights that align with GATE exam requirements. Following this strategy along with utilizing these educational platforms should be sufficient to secure a good score in the GATE examination. Your consistent effort and strategic approach will undoubtedly yield positive results.

Approx. time : 22 days

Allocate a next full month to thoroughly complete the previous four years’ question papers (at least once; this is strongly recommended).


Certainly, for an effective GATE CS preparation strategy, consider prioritizing subjects that hold consistent weightage every year: aptitude/verbals and mathematics, which contribute to around 30 marks. These sections are relatively easy to cover and consume less time.

Moreover, if your background is in Computer Science or Information Technology, core subjects might appear familiar due to prior exposure in college. Organize these core subjects in order of preference and make use of your knowledge and available learning resources. It’s crucial to engage with the study materials and learn comprehensively.

Make sure to dedicate time to solve Previous Year Questions (PYQs) for all subjects. This practice is invaluable in understanding the question patterns and refining your problem-solving skills.

Drawing from my own experience, I achieved a three-digit rank in the GATE 2020 by dedicating just 1.5 months to preparation. This underscores the efficacy of this approach in obtaining remarkable results. By following this method and customizing it according to your strengths, you can significantly enhance your performance and achieve a solid score in the GATE CS examination.

My GATE Rank : 217 (798 gate score)

2.Bonus: My friendly Experience

I began considering the GATE CS exam around May-June, inspired by my friend’s success in getting into a good NIT college. He showed me how this could lead to great job opportunities and learning from top professors in India, plus the added benefit of a stipend. Seeing this as a beneficial path, especially since I wasn’t satisfied with the jobs I was getting, I decided to focus on GATE preparation.

In the first month or two, I started with easier subjects like Data Structures, Mathematics, and Aptitude to get a sense of the types of questions in the exam. I also planned out my study schedule for the next few months. Come September, I fully committed to GATE preparation, deciding to forego job opportunities to concentrate solely on GATE.

My daily routine involved studying a subject until 2 PM, covering reading materials and watching videos. Then, from 4 PM onwards, I’d dive into solving previous years’ questions for practice. This routine continued until November, during which I covered almost all subjects. There were moments of doubt, especially when thinking about the pressure during the actual exam, but I reminded myself why I started this journey and the benefits I aimed for.

On the final day of the GATE CS exam, I walked in confidently. However, I initially struggled with the speed and only managed a few questions in the first hour. I adjusted my approach, focusing on the questions I was familiar with from my preparation. The exam was intense, limited to just 3 hours.

After the exam, I felt relieved, but when I checked the answer keys, I realized I had made quite a few mistakes. This left me uncertain about my scores. When the results arrived, I had achieved a rank of 217 (a score of 798), which didn’t fully satisfy me. Surprisingly, my family was ecstatic, believing that a rank of 217 was fantastic and ensured admission to a good college. Eventually, I secured admission to the best college in India for my desired field of study. I hope my journey encourages you to keep working hard for your exams.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.