GE Healthcare Internship Interview Experience 2021

Round 1(Aptitude + Coding): This was the first round and it had 3 sections.

  • The first section was aptitude. It had 50 MCQs that needed to be solved in 50 mins.
  • The next section was the Technical MCQs section of 30 mins. There were 30 MCQs based on computer science fundaments. Topics that were asked in this section were DSA, DBMS, OS, and CN.

The last section was the coding section. It had the following 2 coding questions:

  1. 1st was an easy coin exchange problem using a greedy approach similar to this (but had denominations only up to 100rs {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100}):
  2. 2nd question was a question on binary trees. one had to check whether a given tree is a subtree of another tree. If so, then return sum for nodes in that tree, else return -1.

Round 2(Pymetrics Round): On the same day, we had the Pymetrics round in the evening. Basically, it’s a game-based assessment consisting of 12 games. You can find more about Pymetrics on their website.

Round 3(Technical Interview): This was a technical interview round.

  • The interviewer asked me to introduce myself.
  • My profile is more software-oriented, so he asked me whether I know about core ECE. To test, he asked several questions on topics like electronic circuits, transistors, operational amplifiers, and their applications. I didn’t expect this to be a core ECE interview, so I answered those questions that I knew and simply said I don’t know much about this in the rest questions.
  • In the end, I was asked if I have any questions. I asked about the role that interns are going to get if selected.

Round 4(HR): This was an HR Interview.

  • This round also started with my brief introduction. Additionally, I was asked about the online education/classes.
  • Then I was asked to explain one of the projects that I have built. She was impressed by my project and asked more about my other projects.
  • Then I was asked some standard HR questions like why you want to choose the Healthcare sector instead of service/product-based companies. In healthcare, why only GE Healthcare?
  • What do you know about GE?
  • Then I asked her about the technologies used in GE and about roles flexibility for interns. She answered all my questions positively.
  • My interviewer was so good that she also gave feedback/suggestions to me at the end of the interview.


  • If you don’t know any concept, simply say that you don’t this topic and also try to mention the topic that you have prepared well. In my first round when I was asked that whether I know about ECE concepts, I said that I didn’t prepare these concepts, I can try answering whatever I know based on my academic knowledge.
  • Try to give your own answers in the HR round (Don’t give the answers to standard HR question that is available on the internet)

Final Verdict: Selected