GE Healthcare Interview Experience for FTE EEDP (On-Campus)

GE healthcare visited our campus for EEDP role.

There were total 5 rounds (including plyometrics test).

Round 1: There were 50 MCQs (OOPs, DBMS, OS, CN, general aptitude) in 50 minutes, as well as 2 codding questions in 45 minutes.

After this round 89 were shortlisted for further rounds.

Round 2: It was pymetrics game.

  • Just to check if your personality is matching with company profile or not.
  • There is no specific strategy to play this game, you just have to play.
  • After this round 37 were shortlisted for further

Round 3: It was a technical round.

  • Generally, it was lasting for half an hour but, mine lasted for 1.5 hours.
  • He asked me why I want to join GE, then asked me to implement runtime polymorphism in online compiler.
  • Implementation of vector ( here I had no idea so he gave me a hint then I went ahead ), OSI model & asked me to describe all 7 layers in OSI model ( in-depth ),
  • Fibonacci Series, Normalization, methods to control race condition , locks in the transaction, working of threads and how they are different from process , asked some questions from my project .
  • So, this round was very interactive and the interviewer was very cool and was asking very conceptual questions.

After this round 13 were Shortlisted for the managerial round.

Round 4: It was a managerial round

  • They asked me about GE Healthcare ( one must go through their website ),
  • Asked me why I am interested to join GE, what are the technologies and projects I have worked on,
  • Also discussed about my hobby.
  • After this round 8 were shortlisted for HR round.

Round 5: That was HR round

  • Asked about the projects I have worked on
  • Why I want to join GE
  • What is good in you, give example also (e.g. if you are good at teamwork, how can you say that .)
  • Then, in the end, he asked me if I have any offer from another company ,I said no ( obviously).

Finally, 6 were selected and fortunately, I was one among them.

Tips – Have good knowledge about core subjects.