Geeks For Geeks Internship Experience as an Android Developer


“A successful person can teach you how to succeed,
but A failure can Teach you how not to fail and get Success

Today, I’m sharing with you my candid experience interviewing for the Android Developer Intern position at Beginner For Beginner. Within these lines, I’ve encapsulated every detail—what to do, what not to do, and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

I hope that this narrative serves as a beacon of guidance and insight for those embarking on their journey into the world of tech internships.

The Application Process

  • I got one LinkedIn post of Uday Rana (HR in GFG) about the Android developer Internship Role. I followed the link which is I have applied from here And My resume got selected.
  • Later HR called me and we had a small Interview about myself, After that They gave me as Assignment Which was about Integrating API, fetch data, and Showing it, I got 3 days for the assignment but Completed it on time and Shared it to them.
  • After My Assignment Submission, I got a Call for a Technical Interview in a week.
  • Two weeks after the Interview I got a Revert of my Interview.

Interview Experience

  • I was interviewed by an Android developer at GFG Jaskirat Singh.
  • Here are the structure of the question: –
    • At First, There was a Introduction of my projects, The technologies I have used in it Code structure of It, Explanation of my projects code in short And Demo of working app (screen recording).
    • Basic DSA questions related Array, ArrayList, LinkList. They Asked about how much I know DSA and according to that they asked questions.
    • About Android theory & Some technologies – Android Lifestyle, Android SDK, MVVM technology, Firebase, APIs.
    • About Assignment – They will ask about the Technology you have used, Brief the working process, API Integration technology,
    • Codes : I was asked about few functions of Android to override with few modifications. And some complex UI designing in XML was asked to design to check the responsiveness, I am good in designing so It was easy for me.

Reflection on Outcome

  • I was not good at MVVM technology and Android SDKs knowledge, And the major cause of my rejection was using shortcuts in codes which cause the less knowledge about some inbuilt functions.
  • I prepared well, I still got nervous because it was GFG, such a famous company. So some answers I knew but didn’t click that time.

These were some points which causes my rejection.

Lesson Learned And Tips :

  • Be prepare with your projects, its codes, and Screen Recording if possible.
  • Speak clear and Be confident with your answers.
  • Don’t include anything in your resume which you don’t know about or which doesn’t align with the Role you are applying.
  • Do not blindly use short-cuts in android studio.

    For example :-
    In android studio we write “toast” an option appears and it write a

    Toast short-cut in Android studio IDE

    Toast.maketext(“”, “” , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() line of code for you.

    There are many more except the short cuts there are some functions also. Use the code wisely.

  • Whatever you use in your code or assignment, make sure that you are well known about it.
  • Last but not least PRACTICE PRACTICE and PRACTICE


Reflecting on my interview journey for the Android Developer Intern position at Beginner For Beginner, I urge thorough preparation, genuine confidence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Let this narrative serve as a beacon of guidance for those navigating the dynamic world of tech internships.