GeeksforGeeks – Official Partner of Pragyan

Today’s world is driven by individuals who have a thirst for bringing the concepts taught on paper to life. They believe in building real world applications and products for industries and consumers. ‘Ideate’ and ‘Innovate’ are the two principles they live by.
Going by this spirit of innovation found in the youth of today, NIT Trichy’s Pragyan presents an opportunity to innovate and create using the one super power accessible to all – code. If you think that you have an idea that can revolutionise the working of industries, then this month presents a unique chance to showcase the mini genius within you.
SAP Labs presents Pragyan Hackathon 2017 co sponsored by SPI Cinemas, an opportunity for all the code enthusiasts, tech Beginner and futurists out there to compete, interact, make and present prototypes of your innovative solutions to current problems faced by various industries. This event promises to be 30 hours of fun, excitement and learning accompanied by free food and beverages!
This year, the six domains being tackled are entertainment, organisational automation, social, financial technology, education and sports.
The entertainment domain challenges participants to target how customers interact with various avenues of entertainment such as movies and events, to name a few. Innovating and improving customer experience is of prime importance.
Organisational automation pivots around artificial intelligence and machine learning. Participants are tasked with making use of data to predict, personalise and tailor user experience for various business processes.
The social domain challenges participants to focus on problems and solutions that benefit the day-to-day workings of mainstream society. Examples of social problems include, but are not limited to, safety and security. Innovative solutions may also be proposed in the field of social networking.
Financial Technology or FinTech is all about how you automate business transactions and money handling. Participants are tasked with experimenting with blockchain technology and stock market analysis among others. The education domain presents an opportunity for participants to improve learning experiences for students all around the world. As we transition from classroom education to online education, problems solved in this domain promises to impact and change how students digest information.
Sports is something we all love. Nothing beats watching television and supporting your favorite team on a Sunday afternoon. In this domain, participants are challenged to create technology that the sporting world will benefit from. Examples of such solutions include goal line and hot spot technology.
These six domains are sure to give you a wide range of interesting problems to solve and learn from. Moreover, the winners of Pragyan Hackathon 2017 are in line to receive cash prizes, goodies and awards of distinction worth INR 2,00,000. Exciting opportunities for internships and incubations also await.

Your chance to change the world awaits.