GeeksforGeeks Problem Of The Day (POTD) Solutions | December 2023

Welcome to the daily solutions of our PROBLEM OF THE DAY (POTD) for the month of December 2023. We will discuss the entire problem step-by-step and work towards developing an optimized solution. Refer the detailed list of POTD solutions for the month of December 2023 below, along with its POTD problem, video and Solution post.


POTD Title




1st Dec 2023

Check whether BST contains Dead End

2nd Dec 2023

Inorder Traversal and BST

3rd Dec 2023

Brothers From Different Roots

4th Dec 2023


5th Dec 2023

Minimize the Heights II

6th Dec 2023

How Many X’s?

7th Dec 2023

Number of subarrays with maximum values in given range

8th Dec 2023

Print Matrix in snake Pattern

9th Dec 2023

Smith Number

10th Dec 2023

Subarray with 0 sum

11th Dec 2023

Max Sum Subarray of size K

12th Dec 2023

Gold Mine Problem

13th Dec 2023

Consecutive 1’s not allowed

14th Dec 2023

Painting the Fence

15th Dec 2023

Reach the Nth point

16th Dec 2023

String’s Count

17th Dec 2023

Max Sum without Adjacents

18th Dec 2023

Game of XOR

19th Dec 2023

Rightmost different bit

20th Dec 2023

Modified Game of Nim

21st Dec 2023


22st Dec 2023

Maximum Meetings in One Room

23rd Dec 2023

Count More than n/k Occurences

24th Dec 2023

Buy Maximum Stocks if i stocks can be bought on i-th day

25th Dec 2023

Determinant of a Matrix

26th Dec 2023

Largest rectangular sub-matrix whose sum is 0

27th Dec 2023

Anti Diagonal Traversal of Matrix

28th Dec 2023

Wildcard string matching

29th Dec 2023

Check if a string is repetition of its substring of k-length

30th Dec 2023

Winner of an election

31th Dec 2023

New Year Resolution