All About New Gemini AI Tool: Google’s New AI

Everyone expected that Google would one day unveil an AI capable of outperforming ChatGPT. Google Bard was only a draft; here is Gemini AI, the new large language model (LLM), which is likely to be talked about in the coming months. We will tell you everything about it. Google continues to innovate in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). After launching Google Bard, its conversational agent based on the LaMDA engine, the Mountain View firm has just unveiled Gemini, its new language model (LLM), which beats ChatGPT on almost all counts and has an impressive understanding of its environment.

Read below this interesting blog to learn all About Google’s New AI Gemini Tool, its features, benefits, and pricing. Also, find out what uniqueness it has brought to the market and why it is different from Chat GPT.

All About New Gemini AI Tool: Google’s New AI

  • What is the Google’s New AI Gemini Tool?
  • Features and Benefits of the Google’s New AI Gemini Tool
  • Pricing Plans for Google Gemini Tool
  • What uniqueness does Gemini Tool bring to the market?
  • What makes Gemini Tool different from ChatGPT?
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Google Gemini Tool
  • How does Google Gemini Tool work?

What is the Google’s New AI Gemini AI Tool?

Gemini is the name of the new large language model designed by Google. An AI is designed to be multimodal, that is, capable of analyzing, processing, and combining different types of information, such as text, code, audio, image, and video. So Gemini AI not only manipulates words but can also understand the context, concepts, emotions, intentions, and relationships behind the data. AI excels in particular on mathematics and physics problems, but it is also effective on simpler, less logical tasks.

Gemini AI stands out for its exceptional performance. On 30 of the 32 academic benchmarks, it exceeds GPT-4, the OpenAI model, as well as all the best results currently available from the competition. If GPT-4 can try to compete on text, Gemini comes out on top when it comes to managing multimedia.

For each multimodal task, there is an academic benchmark that allows the performance of an AI model to be measured. For example, for understanding natural images, the benchmark is VQAv2, which involves answering questions about images. For automatic speech translation, the benchmark is CoVoST 2, which involves translating sentences spoken in different languages.

Google released a video to show off Gemini’s mind-blowing skills. We can see the AI answering various questions. It gives precise, clear, and relevant answers. Let us point out, however, that Google admitted that this video was partially made to inspire developers; Gemini’s results are therefore partly inflated.

Features and Benefits of the Google’s New AI Gemini Tool

Technological competition between digital giants is intensifying, particularly between Google and OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT. This rivalry is driving massive investments and rapid advances in AI, reshaping the global technology landscape.

Gemini vs. GPT-4: A power announced as five times greater, promising major advances in information processing.

Multimodality: Gemini goes beyond text processing, considering applications in areas like image analysis and speech processing.

This struggle for technological supremacy highlights the strategic importance of AI in today’s digital ecosystem.

Merger of AI Research Teams

Google has merged two of its most successful AI research teams: Google Brain and DeepMind. This merger creates a strategic synergy for the development of Gemini AI, combining their respective expertise in the fields of machine translation, recommendation systems, and artificial intelligence applied to science. Some of the important benefits of the Gemini AI tool include:

1. Use of Google’s own data

Gemini’s access to a wide range of data from Google services gives it a unique advantage in terms of the diversity and richness of information available for training.

Gemini’s computing power, estimated to be five times that of GPT-4, is a central element distinguishing it from its competitors. This increased capacity allows for faster processing and more complex analyses.

  • Exceptional computing power for faster answers and more detailed analyses.
  • Using cutting-edge technologies to efficiently process a wide variety of data.
  • Strategic and commercial implications of Gemini

2. Google’s Response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT

Gemini AI symbolizes a strategic turning point for Google, aiming to regain leadership in the field of AI against competitors like ChatGPT.

A direct challenge to the language processing capabilities of GPT-4. is the ambition to go beyond the current limits of generative AI and to offer innovative solutions.

3. Impact on the Generative AI Market

  • The launch of Gemini could redefine the generative AI market, creating new standards and driving innovation in the sector.
  • Potential to change the way businesses and consumers interact with AI.
  • Opening new business and market opportunities for AI-based applications.

The technology community is eagerly awaiting the commercial release of Gemini, scheduled for late 2023 or early 2024, anticipating a significant shift in AI capabilities and applications.

4. Gemini Integration into Google Products

Integrating Gemini AI into Google’s product ecosystem could revolutionize the user experience and bring notable improvements in areas like online search, data analysis, and interactive user interfaces.

  • Potentially improving existing services, like Google Search and YouTube, through deeper insight and increased personalization.
  • Development of new innovative applications and services based on the unique possibilities of Gemini.

Pricing Plans for Google Gemini AI Tool

Google’s Gemini is a valuable addition, set to integrate into various products like Search and Chrome. It will likely be included in free services where users pay indirectly through ad data. Currently, some limited use of Gemini is free, especially through the Bard generative text AI platform.

  • The tool is available with Pexel 8 for free, but future plans involve incorporating it into paid services.
  • The pricing strategy for Gemini’s paid features is yet to be revealed, raising questions about potential add-ons or inclusion in enterprise services.
  • In contrast, ChatGPT offers a straightforward pricing system with a free tier for basic use and a $20/month ChatGPT Plus tier for advanced features.
  • ChatGPT Plus includes a more advanced language model and the option to integrate paid ChatGPT plugins.
  • Google’s wide user base across free products like Search, YouTube, Gmail, Maps, Play, and Android sets the stage for potential Gemini integration.
  • While this might not incur extra subscription costs, it could mean widespread use of Gemini AI across these services in the future.

What uniqueness does Gemini AI Tool bring to the market?

Gemini AI stands out for its native multimodality, a design philosophy integrated into the very fabric of the system since its inception. Unlike conventional models that often retrofit multimodal functionality after initial development, Gemini is conceptualized and built to process, understand, and connect multiple forms of data in an inherent and synergistic manner.

This basic approach ensures that whether analyzing text, examining images, or interpreting audio, Gemini AI does so with the native fluidity that typically characterizes human interaction with these various inputs. The model is capable of extracting semantic meaning in various modalities, allowing it to perform tasks that require a complex understanding of the world, such as visually answering questions or creating multimodal content.

The scope of Gemini AI expands widely, providing cutting-edge capabilities in various fields. This includes, but is not limited to, advanced natural language processing, image and speech recognition, and even the interpretation of complex codes, which is a testament to its versatile architecture.

Google has perfected the capabilities of Gemini AI to ensure that it not only outperforms existing models in individual tasks but also sets new benchmarks in tasks requiring the integration of different types of information. AI is designed to adapt and excel in many contexts, from implementing complex business solutions to improving user interactions on consumer mobile devices. The extensive capabilities of Gemini ensure it is equipped to navigate the ever-increasing complexity of the digital world, opening up numerous possibilities that redefine what AI can achieve.

Applications of Gemini AI

The applications of Gemini are as varied and dynamic as the model itself, starting with its deep integration into enterprise solutions. Its unique ability to process multiple forms of data simultaneously ensures that businesses can automate complex processes such as customer service, using Gemini to understand and engage in dialogue that spans text, audio, and visual cues.

Additionally, it can merge information from diverse data sets for deep business intelligence and predictive analysis, essential for efforts such as supply chain optimization and predictive maintenance. The result is an AI-driven transformation that increases efficiency, improves the customer experience, and paves the way for smarter, data-driven decision-making across the enterprise.

1. Automation of development tools

A boon for developers, Gemini paves the way for a new environment of AI-driven development tools. Its multimodal foundations simplify the integration of sophisticated AI capabilities into software and applications, driving innovation and creativity. Developers can capitalize on the advanced language processing capabilities of Gemini, enrich user interfaces with natural conversational capabilities, or deploy its image recognition prowess to create immersive gaming experiences.

The flexibility and power of Gemini also extend to automating and streamlining code writing and review processes, allowing developers to focus on high-level design and creative problem solving.

2. Innovation in on-device apps

In the field of on-device applications, Gemini’s efficiency is paramount. Tailor-made to work on mobile devices, it offers features once considered impractical for compact hardware, like nuanced language translation and AR that understands physical context. This enables a more personalized and intelligent user experience across a range of devices, from smartphones to the growing Internet of Things (IoT).

Gemini’s integrated capabilities herald a new wave of responsive applications capable of managing complex information and intimately integrated with the user’s environment and daily activities.

3. Revolutionizing content creation

The impact of Gemini extends to the creative industries, redefining content creation with its sophisticated understanding of multimodal data. This AI can help creators generate a versatile range of digital content, from artwork and music to video and writing. By interpreting and creating content with a nuanced understanding of visual and narrative elements, Gemini can become a powerful co-creator.

It streamlines laborious production tasks and inspires new forms of artistic expression. As such, Gemini presents itself not only as an automation tool but also as an innovation catalyst, enriching the creative process by offering new AI collaborations that are expected to significantly evolve the creator economy.

What makes Gemini Tool different from ChatGPT?

Google conducted an in-depth analysis and benchmark against OpenAI’s GPT-4, claiming that Gemini AI outperforms its competitor in 30 out of 32 benchmarks. Gemini’s strength lies in its multi-modal approach and seamless understanding and interaction with video and audio, which sets it apart in the competitive landscape.

Google underlines its commitment to safety and accountability in AI development by conducting extensive internal and external testing. The Gemini launch is being approached cautiously, with the Ultra model undergoing a controlled beta to ensure a safe and secure user experience.


Google Gemini Ultra


General Understanding (MMLU)

Achieves a remarkable 90.0% in MMLU, comprehending 57 subjects, including STEM and humanities.

Reports an 86.4% 5-shot capability in a similar benchmark.

Reasoning Abilities

Scores 83.6%, demonstrating proficiency in diverse, multi-step reasoning tasks.

Shows comparable performance with an 83.1% 3-shot capability in a similar context.

Reading Comprehension (DROP)

Excels with an 82.4 F1 Score in the DROP reading comprehension benchmark.

Achieves an 80.9 3-shot capability in a similar scenario.

Commonsense Reasoning (HellaSwag)

Impresses with an 87.8% 10-shot capability in the HellaSwag benchmark, showcasing adept commonsense reasoning.

Demonstrates a slightly higher 95.3% 10-shot capability in the same benchmark.

Mathematical Proficiency (GSM8K)

Excels in basic arithmetic manipulations with a 94.4% score.

Maintains 92.0% 5-shot capability in Grade School math problems.

Challenging Math Problems (MATH)

Tackles complex math problems with a 53.2% 4-shot capability, showcasing versatility.

Maintains a competitive 52.9% 4-shot capability in a similar context.

Code Generation (HumanEval)

Efficiently generates Python code with a commendable 74.4% 0-shot capability.

Performs well with a 67.0% 0-shot capability.

Natural Language to Code (Natural2Code)

Showcases proficiency in generating Python code with a 74.9% 0-shot capability.

Maintains a 73.9% 0-shot capability in a similar benchmark.


Despite immense capabilities, Gemini Ultra is cost-effective, according to Eli Collins.

GPT4 comes with a monthly pricing of $20 per month.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Google Gemini AI Tool

Advantages of Google Gemini AI Tool:

1. Multifaceted Processing: Gemini can process text, images, and videos simultaneously, showcasing a versatile approach to handling different types of information.

2. Three Distinct Versions: The availability of three versions, namely Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano, allows users to choose a model tailored to their specific needs and applications.

3. Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU): Gemini Ultra achieves a remarkable 90.0% in MMLU, showcasing its ability to comprehend a wide range of subjects, including STEM and humanities.

4. Reasoning Abilities: Gemini Ultra scores high in the Big-Bench Hard benchmark, demonstrating proficiency in diverse, multi-step reasoning tasks.

5. Application Integration: Google plans to license Gemini AI to customers via Google Cloud, enabling integration into various applications, starting with Google products like Bard (chatbot) and Search Generative Experience.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Despite its advanced capabilities, Gemini Ultra is stated to be cost-effective, making it an attractive option for users.

7. Strategic Positioning: Google aims to dominate the AI landscape and respond to the evolving AI race, positioning Gemini as a key player in AI services through the cloud.

Disadvantages of Google Gemini AI Tool:

1. Competition: The field of advanced AI models is competitive, and Gemini faces competition from other powerful models, potentially limiting its market share.

2. Potential Ethical Concerns: As with any advanced AI model, ethical considerations, such as bias and responsible use, may arise.

How does Google Gemini Tool work?

Google’s chatbot, Bard, will now leverage Gemini Pro, bringing advanced reasoning, planning, and understanding capabilities. An upcoming update, “Bard Advanced,” is expected to utilize the power of Gemini Ultra, representing a substantial upgrade to Bard.

Step 1: Visit Google Bard’s website.

Step 2: Ask anything with the help of basic prompts.

Google Bard will give you answers using Gemini.


Google’s announcement of Gemini AI marks an important step in the development of artificial intelligence. With its enhanced capabilities and integration into a multitude of services, Gemini could well transform the way we interact with technology and pave the way for new possibilities in the field of AI. It remains to be seen how users and the market will react to this promising innovation.

All About Google’s New Gemini AI Tool (Features, Price, Uniqueness) – FAQs

1. What is the future potential of Gemini models and similar AI?


The potential for Gemini is vast, with future developments likely to bring more advanced integrations into everyday devices, further improvements in nuanced human-AI interactions, and widespread applications that could impact all facets of society.

2. How is Gemini different from other AI models?


Google’s announcement of Gemini marks an important step in the development of artificial intelligence. With its enhanced capabilities and integration into a multitude of services, Gemini could well transform the way we interact with technology and pave the way for new possibilities in the field of AI. It remains to be seen how users and the market will react to this promising innovation.

3. What is Gemini in the context of AI?


Gemini is a multimodal AI developed by Google that processes and integrates various types of data, including text, images, audio, and video, to perform complex tasks and provide an intuitive experience across different technologies and platforms.

4. Why is multimodal AI like Gemini important?


Multimodal AI is crucial because it more closely resembles human cognitive abilities, allowing AI to understand context and make decisions based on a combination of sensory inputs, thereby facilitating more natural and effective interactions between humans and machines.