General Electric Internship Interview Experience

Background: BTECH-mechanical engineering

Work Experience: 1 month Internship in an IT Company.

Profile: X:  96.67% | XII – 91.4% | CGPA – 9.55


I was shortlisted by my college to attend interview rounds for an Internship at General Electric (GE). The interview was held in a college in Pune and students from different engineering colleges and diverse branches were present.

The interview consisted of 3 rounds:

  1. Group discussion
  2. Personal interview
  3. HR interview

Group Discussion: Topic “Plastic Banned”. I spoke about how plastic banned is a good initiative but the government should have introduced the solution or an alternative before banning it. Difficulties faced by people especially in the rainy season to carry documents and also why paper or cloth bag is not reliable. Told them we can make carry bags made of umbrella fabric which are even better alternatives than paper and cloth bags (at which the invigilator was quite impressed ).

After the GD was done, the results came out in half an hour and I was selected for the next round.

Personal Interview:  The panelist consisted of a Man and a Woman in their early 30s let them be X and Y respectively. (Entered the room and headed towards the table)

Interviewer: Hello, please take e a seat.

Me: Good morning (then looked at my watch) Afternoon ma’am.

(Handed my resume to them, they glanced at the first page and didn’t turn to 2nd page by then. 1st page just had my objective and educational details and some projects made, main content was on the 2nd page and inner me was like Turn toh Karo, main meal (content) to sab next page pe hai)

Interviewer: Okay then introduce yourself.

Me: (Gave a short intro)

Interviewer: Why do you want to Join GE?

Me: Who wouldn’t want to join GE. It comes under Top 13 in Fortune 500, Edison to J.P. Morgan such big founders. Perfect place to learn and grasp new skills. Global exposure.

(They nodded their head in agreement)

Interviewer:  So tell me about this Robot you made in Robocon.

Me: (Gave a descriptive idea of the robot and its working and my role in PCB designing)

Interviewer: What language or platform does Altium Designer works on?

Me: Sir, I never coded in Altium, I just made the Schematics and Pcb Doc in it. Also, it’s a paid version so I cracked it from torrent (started laughing) so I honestly have no idea about the language or platform it works on.

Interviewer: You mentioned the Technical Paper published in your resume, what was that?

Me: (Told them about the Exo-Skeleton Arm project which helps to lift heavy weights)

Interviewer: (Drew some complex series and parallel circuit of capacitors) Find the equivalent capacitance.

Me: (Solved it in seconds and explained the steps)

Interviewer: Tell me the relationship between Electric and Magnetic fields.

Me: (Electromagnetic Engineering had many formulas so I was confused as to which one to tell, so I just explained all the concepts involving Electric and Magnetic Fields)

Interviewer: Are you comfortable with traveling and staying in new places wherever internship is allowed in India?

Me: I would prefer Mumbai over other cities. My parents are always skeptical and anxious about me, whether it is safe in another city or not. It is easier for me to convince clients but convincing parents is the hardest. (Both of them burst to laugh) But still, I will try my best.

Interviewer: Okay, cool. Any questions?

Me: No, sir thank you.

Interviewer: Okay, it was nice meeting with you, you may leave now.

(I was smiling and was confident enough that I would get selected for the next round)

HR Interview: Luckily for me, the panelist consisted of the same Woman Interviewer 

Interviewer: Welcome we meet again.

Me: Good Evening Maam.

Interviewer: I guess I have asked a lot already in the previous interview, now you ask me anything.

Me: (Thought for a while to ask her a compelling question ) Maam I have read a lot of good things about the company online, “why to join GE” but can you tell why one shouldn’t join GE, the cons about GE?

Interviewer: (Started smiling and thought for a minute) Ummm… It’s a complex organization, so you need permission from lots of people to execute a task so sometimes it’s difficult to work and takes a lot of time.

Me: Okay ma’am, no more questions.

Interviewer: (Smiled ) Thank you now you leave 

I was seated in the waiting room for the results to be out. It was my first real-life interview. I was not afraid of the outcome whether I get select or not. I was honest and confident in my interview and hoped for the best. Also, failure is a better teacher than success. So you either win or you learn, you never lose. After 1-2 hrs all the interviews were done and results were declared. Guess what happened?


Tips: Stay confident and honest in your interviews. And always be optimistic in your life whatever the scenario may be.