Genghis Khan – Founder of the Mongol Empire

Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire. He was the first ruler and military head who united the Mongol tribes in the 13th century to build his unbeatable empire. His personality was a bit complex with tenacity of purpose with great physical and mental strength. He ruled the Mongol empire for a long 21 years from 1206 to 1227.

Genghis Khan spread his kingdom from the Mongolian plateau to the Adriatic Sea which covered around one-third of Asia. Genghis Khan was known for advocating literacy, religious freedom, and trade but he discarded so many local customs in his rule.

In this article, we are going to discuss the most mysterious person in history Genghis Khan, and his Mongol Empire in detail.

Table of Content

  • Early Life of Genghis Khan
  • Genghis Khan – Overview
  • Genghis Khan – The Leader Of Mongols
  • Mongol Empire Under Genghis Khan
  • Legacy – Genghis Khan
  • Genghis Khan Death

Early Life of Genghis Khan

There is not that much data available about Genghis Khan’s early life. The shortage of contemporary written records is the main reason for it. The name of Temüjin means the “blacksmith”. He was born near modern Mongolia which is also known as Siberia. Life of the Temujin was full of conflict and violence in the early stages. At the age of 10, his father was killed by a clan. After this brutal incident, the clan deserted his mother and his six siblings with him. Genghis Khan does not allow any painting, carving, or coin that can feature his image. Gradually, Temujin became the head of the household after the death of his older half-brother. He got married to Borte in the year of 1178. When Borte was kidnapped, Temujin attempted a daring rescue mission. After that, he started to form alliances with other kingdoms. His brilliant war tactics and politics made him a well-known warrior. That’s how Temüjin, became Genghis Khan, the leader of Mongols.

Genghis Khan – Overview

Genghis Khan was the first khan of the Mongol Empire, also famous as the Chinggis Khan. He was famous for his courage and prominent military power. He gathered all Mongol people under a massive empire and courageously challenged the most powerful Jin dynasty in China. Here is the overview of Genghis Khan as mentioned below.


Genghis Khan

Birth Name



c. 1162


Founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire


120 Trillion USA (Inflation Adjusted)


Unification of Mongol tribes and converted into a powerful empire.

Military Tactics

Expert in cavalry warfare.


Conquered a vast territory from China to Eastern Europe.

Personal Traits

Skilled diplomat, military commander and strategist.


Börte, Isukhan Khatun, Gurbasu Khatun, Gunju Khatun, Abika Khatun.


Kublai Khan and Hulagu Khan.


Established the Pax Mongolica.

Created the Mongol Empire that became the largest contiguous land empire in the world history.

Effective use of horse archers and mobility.

Siege warfare strategies.

Promoted trade and cultural exchange. The Silk Road played a major role.

Influenceed later military leaders and empires.


August 18th, 1227

Cause Of Death

Circumstances Unclear (Later Discussion)


Location Remains a Mystery (Later Discussion)

Genghis Khan – The Leader Of Mongols

Temujin chose his capable friends instead of family for the important roles in his army and administration. He took over so many enemy tribes by including their leaders as a part of his group. He told his followers not to loot the opponents until they won completely. He organized his warriors into ten groups. Temujin believed in many gods, his followers belonged to Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.

By 1205, he defeated all his rivals, including his once-best friend Jamuka. The next year, he became the leader of assemblies and formed a nation as big as today’s Mongolia. At this time, he was also given the name Chinggis Khan. The meaning Chinggis Khan was the “Universal Ruler”. Later this name became popular in the West as Genghis Khan.

How Genghis Khan United Mongols?

Genghis Khan was born in 1162 in northern Mongolia. Some legend says that he was born holding a blood clot which was a sign he would be a great leader. Genghis Khan’s noble background helped him unite different Mongol tribes so easily. He believed in the idea of “Unity is Strength.” Gradually, he founded the Mongol Empire, expanding his influence with this principle.

Mongol Empire Under Genghis Khan

The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan was marked as a transformative period in history. It makes a long-lasting impact on the Mongol Empire and shaped the course of contemporary events in Asia and Europe.

Mongol Administration

  • Genghis Khan set up a strong government to run the big Mongol Empire.
  • Leaders were chosen based on their skills and loyalty, promoting a fair system called meritocracy.
  • Genghis Khan made a set of rules called the Yassa to keep things in order and make sure everyone followed the rules.
  • The empire was split into parts, each with its own leader, to make it easier to manage.

Mongol Military

  • Mongol military strength relied heavily on skilled cavalry, particularly horse archers.
  • Effective use of mobility and speed in warfare, allowing rapid movement and surprise attacks.
  • Developed strategic siege warfare tactics for capturing fortified cities.
  • Disciplined military structure with strict codes of conduct under Genghis Khan’s leadership.

Mongol Culture

  • Mongols maintained a nomadic lifestyle, living in yurts and herding animals across the vast steppes.
  • Genghis Khan promoted religious tolerance, allowing freedom of worship for different faiths.
  • Traditional dwellings included portable tents called yurts or gers, suitable for nomadic life.
  • Mongols excelled in arts, crafts, and storytelling, preserving their cultural heritage.

Mongol Trade

  • The Mongol Empire’s stability under Genghis Khan and successors led to the Pax Mongolica, fostering trade and cultural exchange.
  • Control over key parts of the Silk Road facilitated trade between East and West.
  • Mongol merchants traded a variety of goods, including silk, spices, precious metals, and cultural artifacts.
  • The empire became a melting pot of cultures, with ideas, technologies, and goods exchanged across regions.

Legacy – Genghis Khan

Lets discuss the legacy of Genghis Khan.

  • Genghis Khan created the biggest empire ever, stretching from Asia to Europe.
  • After conquering, he brought peace, known as Pax Mongolica, letting people trade and live in peace.
  • Different cultures mixed because of Genghis Khan’s empire, sharing ideas, arts, and traditions.
  • He controlled the Silk Road, encouraging trade and the exchange of goods between East and West.
  • Genghis Khan’s empire held onto a nomadic way of life, living in portable tents called yurts.
  • People had the freedom to practice their own religions under Genghis Khan’s rule.
  • His military tactics, like using skilled horse archers, influenced other leaders for years.
  • Genghis Khan made rules (Yassa) to maintain discipline and order in his empire.
  • He was a clever leader in cavalry warfare, using fast and mobile soldiers on horseback.
  • Genghis Khan’s leadership style, promoting loyalty and merit, impacted future generations.
  • Mongols’ control of trade routes opened up connections and opportunities for different regions.
  • His grandsons, like Kublai Khan, carried on the rule, establishing powerful dynasties.
  • The effects of Genghis Khan’s empire shaped the histories of both Asia and Europe.
  • Even today, Genghis Khan is remembered as a legendary figure with a lasting impact on the world.

Genghis Khan Death

There are so many stories about the death of Genghis Khan. Some historians believe, Genghis Khan might have died in 1227 from getting hurt in a battle. He was leading his army against the Western Xia dynasty. He got injured during the battle. Some historians think he fell off his horse got hurt and died. Another story says that someone might have killed Genghis Khan. People say he could have been targeted by those who wanted revenge or by rivals. Some stories even say he might have been killed by people from another tribe or by his followers who thought he was a danger and he was castrated. There’s a famous story that says Genghis Khan wanted his burial to be a big secret. He asked to be buried without any signs or a visible tomb. The legend says his funeral group would harm anyone who came near to keep the burial place hidden. Nobody knows where he’s buried, making it a mysterious part of his story.

Summary – Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan, born Temüjin, rose from humble beginnings to unite the Mongol tribes, conquer vast swathes of Asia and Europe, establish the largest contiguous land empire ever, and leave a complex legacy as a fierce warrior, skilled administrator, and promoter of trade and religious tolerance, despite the brutality associated with his conquests.

FAQs on Genghis Khan

Who was the strongest warrior in Mongol Empire?

Genghis Khan was the strongest warrior in Mongol Empire.

Was Genghis Khan a conqueror?

Genghis Khan had conquered the land mass extending from Beijing to the Caspian Sea.

Is Genghis Khan a Mongolian hero?

Genghis Khan is still worshipped as a national hero of Mongolia.

Who is stronger Alexander or Genghis Khan?

Genghis Khan was stronger than Alexander. Genghis Khan lived almost 1500 years after Alexander teached the world how to win battles.

Who defeated Mongols most?

Alauddin Khalji, the ruler of Delhi Sultanate of India, had taken several measures against these invasions.

What is Genghis Khan known for?

Genghis Khan was best known for unifying the Mongolian steppe under a massive empire that was able to challenge the powerful Jin dynasty in China and capture territory as far west as the Caspian Sea.