Genpact Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Genpact came to my campus (a NIT) for hiring summer interns in October 2021. I’ll be sharing my interview experience heareat. I am an Information Technology Undergrad in the penutimate year of my degree.

Eligible Branches: CSE, IT, ELEX

Job Profile: Data Analyst Intern

Process Flow: Online Assessment followed by personal interview.

Online Assessment: The online assessment was conducted on Hackerrank and consisted of 20 questions out of which 18 were multiple-choice questions with more than one correct options and 2 coding questions. 

  • Important thing to note here is that coding language supported was just Python.
  • Multiple-choice questions were from probability and statistics, basic estimation questions and basics of Machine Learning and Data Mining. 
  • As I had data mining in 5th semester I was able to answer most of the questions correctly. 
  • You can revise topics like Normal distribution, variance, regression and its types, plots and skewness, correlation and other distributions, this would really help you.

Coding questions: There were two coding questions and the supported language was python. 

  • First question was basic and asked to print even number in a range, but there was a little modification to it which I do not remember exactly. 
  • Second question was an intermediate level question, it was about pandas, and we were asked to delete some rows from the database on the basis of certain conditions given in the question and then print the final result. 
  • I was not familiar with pandas so I was not able to solve this question, though I solved the first one.

Around 110 people gave the online assessment and about 28 were shortlisted for the interview.

Interview Round: Interviews were scheduled two days after the online assessment. 

  • We received a sheet containing our interview time, Panel name and zoom link. 
  • My interview was scheduled at 3 PM and my panelist was a VP from Data Science Department of Genpact. As I entered I greeted him and he asked how I was to which I replied positively and asked how he was. 
  • I then asked if I could introduce myself and he said yes. I gave my introduction and mentioned my projects in it and that I am also involved in competitive programming. He got attracted to the part where I mentioned that I do competitive programming.
  • Then he asked me why do you do programming? 
  • What do you find interesting in coding? 
  • What got you attracted to it? 
  • To which I replied in a descriptive manner and explained to him why I do coding and specifically competitive coding. 
  • He then understood my notion and on the basis of my reply asked me a question related to “Strings” which is an array type Data Structure. He asked me to give him three ways/approaches to reverse a string. I was confident about the answer and politely yet simultaneously replied with the first approach that I’ll use a stack data structure, he was satisfied. Then I gave him the two-pointer approach, he was again satisfied. Lastly, I gave him the approach where we use the inbuilt reverse function. He was again satisfied.
  • He then moved ahead and asked me what comes to your mind when I say “Statistics”, I first tried to gave the formal definition but he interrupted and said, “Just tell me what comes to your mind when I say this term? I then said mean, median, mode comes to my mind. 
  • Then he gave me a numerical series and asked me to find the mean and median and compare them. 
  • Then he asked that what changes should I do in the series so that mean and median become much distinct from each other. 
  • He said, “take your time”, and  I came up with the idea to change a number in the series. But again the difference came out to be much smaller. Then he asked me to make one number very big in that series and then compute the mean and median. Now the difference came out to be much significant. He was trying to direct me to the idea of outliers by this question.
  • Then he moved ahead and asked me about my projects. I had two projects on Django one of which is a primitive task list and another one is an intermediate level project which is an airline booking web application. I briefed him about both of my projects. 
  • Then he asked me what is that one mathematical question which you found out to be the most difficult. I replied in terms of DSA and said that Trie data structure is perceived as a complex one by me and I found it most difficult till now. 
  • He then asked its applications and I answered it. 
  • He then asked what other topics are there which I find difficult, I replied that Dynamic Programming and Greedy Approach are amongst them. 
  • He asked can you tell me any problems from DP? I then briefed him about Knapsack problem and explained it to him properly. Lastly, I also talked about some other problems that I like in DP.
  • At last he asked about my hobbies and extracurriculars and then asked if I had any questions for him. 
  • I asked him some questions regarding the status of Python and ML that we should be equipped with in order to join the company as an intern and some other relevant questions.  
  • In the whole interview he was more focused on my approach rather than my answer so it is important to discuss your approach with the interviewer. I was confident and I replied to all his questions calmly and confidently, this plays an important role in framing your image in the interview. My interview was polite and calm and gave me time to frame my thoughts and had a good discussion over the questions. 
  • At last he asked me to leave the call and I left.

Final list of selected candidates came after 2 days and 10 students got selected from my college. After being rejected by 3 companies I finally got selected as an Intern at Genpact!

Tips to remember:

  1. Revise your subjects well in advance, focus on DSA, OOPS and OS.
  2. Be ready with at least one good working project, almost every company asks about projects.
  3. Know your tech stack and the technologies used in your project.
  4. Be calm and keep your mind relaxed but cautious before joing the call.
  5. Always think and then answer, do not answer as soon as you hear the question. ( This has costed me good in a past interview)

And never lose hope my friend, I was struggling from nearly 3 months to grab an intern and was rejected by 3 companies but I never lost hope. So be bold and hopeful, your hardwork will pay off and you’ll get selected, eventually!!!