Get the Hour from timestamp in Pandas

Let’s see how to extract the hour from a timestamp in Pandas, with the help of multiple examples.

Example 1 : takes timezone as input and returns current timestamp object of that timezone.

# importing the module
import pandas as pd
# input current timestamp
date =
print("currentTimestamp: ", date)
# extract the Hours from the timestamp
frame = date.hour
print("Hour: ", frame)


Example 2 : pandas.timestamp() is used for DateTimeIndex of a specific timezone. It takes year, month, day, time and timezone as input and returns DateTimeIndex of that timezone.

# importing the module
import pandas as pd   
# input the timestamp
date = pd.Timestamp(year = 2020, month = 7, day = 21
                    hour = 6, minute = 30, second = 44
                    tz = 'Asia / Kolkata')  
print("Timestamp: ", date)
# extract the Hours from the timestamp
print("Hour: ", date.hour)

Output :

Example 3 : Take input as range of timestamps using pandas.dt_range() and use pandas.series() to convert into an array of timestamps.

# importing the module
import pandas as pd 
# take input Dates in a range
dates = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2019-8-5 10:23:05', periods = 6, freq ='H'))
# convert in a dict container
frame = pd.DataFrame(dict(givenDate = dates))
# extract Hours from Timestamp
frame['hourOfTimestamp'] = frame['givenDate'].dt.hour

Output :

Solution 4 : Use object.hour attribute to return the hour of the datetime within data of the given Series object.

# importing the module
import pandas as pd 
# take inputs
dates = pd.Series(['2015-01-11 09:20', '2019-4-8 11:31', '2018-12-22 10:10'
                   '2011-4-2 04:25', '2017-1-6 03:51'])  
# give a Name to the series
seriesName = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5']  
# give index to each timestamp
dates.index = seriesName
dates = pd.to_datetime(dates)
# extract Hours from Timestamp 
rs = dates.dt.hour  

Output :

Solution 5 : Read timestamp data from a csv file and get Hours from each timestamp.

# importing the module
import pandas as pd
# read the date from xyz.csv file
frame = pd.read_csv(r'xyz.csv')
print("Values in xyz.csv: ")
frame['dateTime'] = frame['dateTime'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
# extract Hours from Timestamp  
print("Hours: ")

Output :