Getting Started with Verilog

For a long time, computer programming languages like FORTRAN, Pascal, and C were used to describe computer programs and their code execution is sequential. But there isn’t any language to describe the digital circuits. This is when Hardware Description Language(HDL) came into play. HDLs are even popular for verification purposes. There are mainly two types of HDL:

  • Verilog HDL
  • VHDL (Very High-Speed was Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language)

Note: Verilog HDL and VHDL aren’t the same. VHDL was used before Verilog came into existence. the difference between them will be discussed in the later part.

Table of Content

  • What is Verilog?
  • Gate Level Modeling
  • Data-Flow Modeling
  • Behavioral Modeling
  • Operators
  • Identifiers and Keywords
  • Datatypes
  • Module Declaration
  • Classification of Verilog
  • Verilog HDL Vs VHDL

What is Verilog?

Verilog is a hardware description language that is used to realize the digital circuits through code. Verilog HDL is commonly used for design(RTL) and verification(Test-bench) purposes for both Field programmable gate arrays(FPGA) and Application-specific Integrated Circuits(ASIC). There are mainly three levels of abstraction(Different perspectives or views at which a design can be viewed or analyzed) for writing in Verilog:

  • Gate Level Modeling
  • Data-flow Modeling
  • Behavioral Modeling

Now let’s discuss these 3 levels of abstraction

Note: Before diving into the abstraction levels, let’s learn what is RTL.

Register Transfer Level(RTL)

Register transfer level is a low-level abstraction used in digital design to describe the behavior and functionality of a digital circuit or system. RTL is a general approach that describes digital circuits in terms of data flow at register level.

Gate Level Modeling

If a circuit is represented completely using basic gates it is called gate level modeling. For example refer the below circuit of half adder where we can represent it simply using the AND and XOR gates. this level of abstraction involves describing the circuit using primitive logic gates such as AND, OR, XOR, etc. This level provides a detailed representation of the circuit’s structure and logic. Given Below is the RTL Code for Half Adder.

module half_adder(input a,b, output sum,carry);    
xor x1(sum, a, b);    
and a1(carry, a, b);

Data-Flow Modeling

Here in this level of abstraction we make use of the functions that define the working of the circuit instead of it’s gate structure. This abstraction level mainly focuses on the flow of data through the circuit logic gates or functional expressions.

module half_adder(input a,b, output sum,carry);
   assign sum   = a ^ b;
   assign carry = a & b;

Behavioral Modeling

This is the highest level of abstraction in Verilog. At this level the designers describe the functionality of the circuit without specifying the functionality and structure of digital circuit. This modeling will be helpful because it focuses on what the circuit should do rather than how it should be implemented.

module half_adder(input a,b, output reg sum,carry);
   sum   = a ^ b;
   carry = a & b;

Lexical Tokens

Lexical tokens are the basic building blocks of Verilog code that are keywords, identifiers, operators. They are like a way of communicating with the language and are useful for constructing Verilog statements and expressions. Some of the lexical tokens are:
a. White space

b. Comments

c. Numbers

d. Operators

e. Identifiers and Keywords

f. Datatypes

1. Nets

2. registers

g. Module declaration

White Space

In Verilog, we use this white spaces in output commands like $display, $monitor, $strobe etc. In this “\t” represents tab space, “\n” represents new line.


There are 2 ways for writing comments in Verilog. One way is to enclose the comment in “/*……..*/” . This will be helpful when there are multi-lined comments. and another way is to append “//” at the beginning of the sentence. This will be helpful for writing comments that are single-lined or of short context.

This is an example for Multi-lined comment.
Hello there
welcome to Verilog tutorial 

//this is a example for single line comment. 
//Hello there. 


There are mainly 4 used number systems in Verilog. They are

  • Binary – b or B
  • Octal – o or O
  • Decimal – d or D
  • Hexadecimal – h or H

So numbers are represented in Verilog using the following format. <size>'<base><number>. If we didn’t mention the size in Verilog it takes default of size 32 bits. If both the base and size are not mentioned it takes default of 32 bits and decimal number system notation.

For example: 4’b1100 is same is 4’d12 in decimal notation.

‘b0111 is same as 00000000000000000000000000000111

123 by default is a 32 bit decimal number.

If any negative number is represented, by default it will be converted to 2’s complement form.


There are mainly 3 types of operators, they are:

  • High-Speed

Unary Operators

In this the operators like (+, -, ^, %, ~) appear to the left of the operand. For example,

x = ~y;

In this you can observe for the literal y, the operator is to the left of y.

Binary Operators

In this, the operators appear in between the operands. For example:

X = Y ^ Z;

In this we can observe that the operator(^) is in between the operands Y and Z.

Ternary/Conditional Operators

This Ternary operators are like a simple if else statements but they are written in a single line. They are represented in the format:

Conditional_expression ? True_expression : False_expression

For example, X = (A && B && C) : 1’b1 : 1’b0;

Here if the expression evaluates (A && B && C) to 1 then the true expression i.e 1’b1 will be given as output else 1’b0 will be given as output.

Identifiers and Keywords

Identifier is the name given to a function, task or for a module in Verilog. These Identifiers must be in lowercase and they are case sensitive. Characters like Numbers, underscore, special characters like $ can be used for naming the identifier but they cannot be used as the first character of the identifier because they are reserved for some inbuilt function in Verilog.

For example identifier names like: my_identifier, my_identifier1, my_identifier$ can be used.

But identifiers like 1my_identifier, $my_identifier are illegal.


There are 4 basic values in Verilog:

Value Level



Logical Zero, False


Logical One, True


Unknown Value


High impedance state

The main intention of using a datatype in Verilog is to represent data storage elements like bits in a flip flop and transmission elements like wires that connect between logic gates, sequential and combinational circuits. There are mainly 2 types of data types in Verilog. They are

1. Nets

2. Regs


Nets are continuously driven by the combinational logic circuits. It means it cannot store any values. It is represented by the keyword “wire” on the lhs. Default value of a net is ‘Z’ , which is a high impedance state.

wire a, b, y; 
assign y = a & b;

Here the variables are declared by the datatype of wire and for the variable y a keyword “assign” is used to drive the value of the RHS (a & b) to y.


Point to be noted, Reg is different from hardware register. Declaring a Reg doesn’t mean declaring a flip flop or a latch but it represents a storage element unlike net. A Reg is a datatype that we can use only through procedural statements.

reg a, b, y; 
always@(posedge clock)
        y = a & b;

Module Declaration

Given Below is the Code for module declaration

module helper(a, b, y, z); 
    input a, b; 
    output y, z;
    y = a & b; 
    z = a | b; 

In the above code, module signifies declaration of a module and helper signifies the name assigned to the module.

The operands written in the brackets(a, b, y, z) are the input and output ports in the digital circuit. This port declaration can be empty also.

In the code the ports a, b are declared as input ports and y, z are declared as output ports.

Semicolon(“;”) in the code signifies the termination of a module statement.

In the code y and z declaration represents the individual statements within the module.

“endmodule” keyword represents the termination of a module.

Different Classification of Verilog

  • Verilog-1995: Verilog-1995, also known as IEEE Standard 1364-1995, is the initial version of Verilog that introduced the language’s basic syntax and features. It provides the fundamental constructs for describing digital circuits, including modules, ports, data types (wire, reg), and basic behavioral and structural modeling techniques.
  • Verilog-2001: Verilog-2001, an extension of Verilog-1995, introduced several new features and enhancements to the language to improve code readability, re-usability, and ease of design. It addressed some limitations of the previous version and introduced new constructs for better modeling and verification.
  • SystemVerilog: SystemVerilog is a significant extension of Verilog that adds new features and capabilities for both design and verification. It incorporates features from the Vera and Specman languages, providing a comprehensive solution for design, verification, and system-level modeling.
  • Verilog-AMS (Analog and Mixed-Signal): Verilog-AMS is an extension of Verilog that enables modeling of analog and mixed-signal systems alongside digital logic. It provides constructs for describing continuous-time analog behavior, such as voltage and current, in addition to digital signals and logic.

Difference Between Verilog HDL and VHDL

Given Below is the Table for the difference between Verilog HDL and VHDL

Verilog HDL

VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit HDL)

Easy syntax and resembles C language and less complex

Complex Syntax and difficult to understand for a beginner

Executes code in concurrent and sequential manner

Executes code in concurrent and sequential manner

Mostly used in defense and aerospace industries

Mostly used in Semiconductor Industry

Used in Safety and mission critical applications

Used for ASIC and FPGA design

Advantages of Verilog

  • Concise Syntax: Verilog has a straightforward syntax that allows for quick and efficient coding of digital circuits.
  • Industry Standard: It is widely used and accepted in the semiconductor industry, making it easier to collaborate with others and access resources.
  • Simulation and Synthesis: Verilog supports both simulation and synthesis, allowing designers to verify their designs and translate them into actual hardware.
  • Hierarchical Design: Verilog enables hierarchical design, which allows for the creation of complex systems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable modules.

Disadvantages of Verilog

  • Steep Learning Curve: Verilog can be a bit difficult to understand for beginners due to syntax and concepts and takes time to get proficient.
  • Tool Dependency: Verilog design requires specialized tools for synthesis, simulation, and verification, which may come with associated costs and compatibility issues.
  • Version Compatibility: Compatibility issues may arise when using different versions of Verilog or when interfacing with third-party tools and libraries.
  • Verification Challenges: While Verilog supports simulation-based verification, establishing comprehensive test benches and ensuring complete coverage can be complex and time-consuming.

Applications of Verilog

  • Embedded Systems: Verilog is used to design hardware components in embedded systems like microcontrollers and FPGAs.
  • Digital Signal Processing: Verilog enables the implementation of DSP algorithms in hardware for applications like audio and video processing.
  • Networking: Verilog is utilized in the design of networking hardware such as routers, switches, and network interface cards.
  • ASIC Design: Verilog is commonly employed in application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design for custom hardware implementations.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Verilog finds applications in automotive electronics for systems like engine control units and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).


Verilog is the digital design equivalent of a magic tool, enabling us to make incredible things in the field of electronics. From basic circuits to complex devices, Verilog enables us to explain their operation in a language that computers understand. Indeed, learning it can be a little challenging at first, but the opportunities are infinite once you get the hang of it!

Getting Started with Verilog – FAQs

What are the best practices for writing efficient Verilog code?

Best practices include using descriptive variable names, organizing code into hierarchical modules, avoiding race conditions, and adhering to coding style guidelines.

Can Verilog be used for synthesis and simulation?

Yes, synthesis and simulation are two frequent uses for Verilog. While simulation tools simulate the behavior of Verilog designs to ensure accuracy and functionality, synthesis tools convert Verilog code into a netlist of logic gates.

What is the difference between Verilog-1995 and SystemVerilog?

SystemVerilog is an extension of Verilog that adds new features for verification and design, like classes, interfaces, and constrained-random testing. Verilog-1995 is the original version of Verilog. Additionally, SystemVerilog has improvements to make integrating with C/C++ programmes simpler.