Getting the String that Represent the Value of the ValueTuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> Instance in C#

ValueTuple is a structure introduced in C# 7.0 which represents the value type Tuple. It allows you to store a data set that contains multiple values that may or may not be related to each other. You can also get a string that represents the value of the ValueTuple’s object with the help of the ToString Method.
This method returns a string that will represent the value of the ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> object. The string represented by this method is in the form of (Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5) here Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5 represent the values of Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5 properties, and it will represent a String.Empty if any property contains a null value.


public override string ToString ();

Return Type: The return type of this method is System.String. So, it will return a string that represents ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> object.

Example 1:

// C# program to illustrate 
// the use of ToString method
using System;
namespace exampleofvaluetuple{
    class GFG{
        // Main Method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 1-ValueTuple
            var v1 = ValueTuple.Create("Rina");
            // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1>
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 1: " + v1.ToString());
            // 2-ValueTuple
            var v2 = ValueTuple.Create("Rohan", 25);
            // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2>
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 2: " + v2.ToString());
            // 3-ValueTuple
            var v3 = ValueTuple.Create("Rima", 22, 2016);
            // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3>
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 3: " + v3.ToString());
            // 4-ValueTuple
            var v4 = ValueTuple.Create("Mohit", 28, 2014, "Junior Engineer");
            // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4>
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 4: " + v4.ToString());
            // 5-ValueTuple
            var v5 = ValueTuple.Create("Rohit", 32, 2010, 
                               "CSE", "Junior Engineer");
            // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 5: "+v5.ToString());


ValueTuple 1: (Rina)
ValueTuple 2: (Rohan, 25)
ValueTuple 3: (Rima, 22, 2016)
ValueTuple 4: (Mohit, 28, 2014, Junior Engineer)
ValueTuple 5: (Rohit, 32, 2010, CSE, Junior Engineer)

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate the
// use of ToString method
using System;
namespace exampleofvaluetuple{
    class GFG{
        // Main Method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Nested Value Tuples
            var Emp1 = (Name:"Anu", Age: 23, Languages:ValueTuple.Create("C++",
                                                      "Java", "Python", "C#"));
            var Emp2 = (Name:"Boond", Age:27, Post: "Junior Engineer"
                          Languages:ValueTuple.Create("C++", "Java"));
            var Emp3 = (Name: "Rohit", Age: 25, Post: "HR"
                        Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++"
                                            "Java", "C#"));
            var Emp4 = (Name: "Mohan", Age: 26, Post: "Junior Engineer",
                 Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++", "Java", "Python"));
            // Get the value of Nested ValueTuples
            // With the help of ToString method
            Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 1: {0}", Emp1.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 2: {0}", Emp2.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 3: {0}", Emp3.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 4: {0}", Emp4.ToString());


NValueTuple 1: (Anu, 23, (C++, Java, Python, C#))
NValueTuple 2: (Boond, 27, Junior Engineer, (C++, Java))
NValueTuple 3: (Rohit, 25, HR, (C++, Java, C#))
NValueTuple 4: (Mohan, 26, Junior Engineer, (C++, Java, Python))