Git – Difference Between Merging and Rebasing

Git offers several methods to integrate changes from one branch into another, two of the most commonly used are merging and rebasing. While both serve similar purposes, they have distinct functionalities and implications. In this article, we will discuss both of them, their benefits and differences, and their typical workflow.

Git merge

The easiest option to merge the branches is using the git merge command. Git merge safeguards the histories of both repositories. You can use the following merge command to merge your branch. Move to your main directory and then write these commands:

git checkout feature
git merge main

Or, you can write

git merge feature main

How does it work?

It basically, creates a new “feature commit”, safeguarding the history of both the branches and giving it a structure like this:-

Features of Merging

  • Integrating feature branches into the main development branch.
  • Resolving conflicts between branches.
  • Preserving the commit history of both branches.

Git Rebase

The alternative to git merge is the git rebase option. In this, we rebase the entire feature branch to merge it with the main branch. Follow the following commands to perform merge commit:-

git rebase main

How does it work?

Git rebase actually rebases the feature branch and merges it with the main branch. In simple words, it moves the entire feature branch to the tip of the main branch. The pictorial representation looks a bit like this:-


  • Maintaining a cleaner and more linear commit history.
  • Facilitating easier code review and debugging.
  • Avoiding unnecessary merge commits.

Difference Between Merging and Rebasing

Git Merge

Git Rebase

Git Merge merges two branches to create a “feature” branch. Git Rebase rebases the feature branch to add the feature branch to the main branch.
Git Merge is comparatively easy.  Git Rebase is comparatively harder.
Git Merge safeguards history. Git Rabse doesn’t safeguard history.
Git Merge is more suitable for projects with the less active main branch. Git Rebase is suitable for projects with frequently active main branches.
Git Merge forms a chain-like structure. Git Rebase forms a linear structure.
Git Merge is preferable for large no. of people working on a project. Git Rebase is preferable for small groups of people.

Single line command is:

git merge feature main

Single line command is:

git rebase main