Global Logic Hitachi Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022

There was an online assessment and then 3 rounds of interviews ( 1 technical, 1 Managerial, and 1 HR round).

Round 1 – Online Assessment:

This was an online assessment consisting of aptitude MCQ, technical MCQ, and 4 coding questions. Out of the 4 coding questions, 2 questions were easy and 2 were tough consisting of dynamic programming and a greedy approach. The overall difficulty level was easy. Out of 250 students, 40 students were selected for the interview round.

Round 2- Technical Interview:

The technical Round was an easy one, no tough questions were asked as such. The Interviewer asked me the following questions:

  1. My Introduction
  2. A brief about my final year project
  3. What are the OOP’s principles?
  4. What is a Constructor?
  5. What is an object?
  6. How is a class different from an object?
  7. What is DBMS?
  8. Difference between delete, truncate, and drop commands?
  9. What are joins?
  10. Types of joins in DBMS?
  11. Difference between a primary key and a unique key?

Then the interviewer asked me to share my screen and asked me to open an editor to code the following 2 problems.

  1. program for the Fibonacci series
  2. Program to count the number of characters( characters can be a letter or a digit) in the string.

Within one hour I got the result, I was selected for round 2 i.e. the Managerial round.

Round 3- Managerial Round:

The managerial round took place on the same day 3 hours (approx.) after the technical round. Total 14 out of 40 students were selected for this round. The questions asked were:

  1. My introduction
  2. Brief about my project
  3. Few questions on my projects related to the technology used and about the scope of enhancement if any.
  4. The interviewer asked me about the difference between data science, data analysis, AI, and ML since my project was on machine learning
  5. The interview asked me basic questions from machine learning like types of machine learning,
    1. what is SVM?
    2. why kernels in SVM is required?
    3. what is logistic regression?
    4. Applications of Data Science, AI, and ML in the real world.
  6. Few questions about the oops concept (only basic questions).
  7. One puzzle

Finally, in the evening, I got the result from my placement college department that I was selected for round 4.

Round 4- HR Interview

This is the final round of interviews. 7 of 14 students were selected for the HR interview. The elimination of students was very high in every round. HR round took place after two days. the questions asked were:

  1. My introduction
  2. A brief about my project
  3. My interest and my hobbies
  4. About my family background.
  5. About the technology in which I am interested.
  6. What do you know about Global Logic?
  7. Why should we hire you?

One day after the interview, results were declared and I was selected. In the HR round, only 5 out of 7 students were selected.

TIP:- Focus on OOP’s concept and DBMS Concepts.

All the best!!

Prachi Bharadwaj