GlobalLogic Interview Experience

I’ll talk about my experience during the interview process for the GlobalLogic, a Hitachi Group Company for Software Engineer (2022) Ascend Program position. Let me give a brief note on Globallogic Ascend Program,

A brand-new and distinctive career accelerator program called Ascend by GlobalLogic (a Hitachi Group Company) enables early-career IT professionals to quickly acquire the knowledge and certification necessary to become Digital engineers. 

The selection procedure is as follows,

Round 1(60 mins): 03-May-2022: It was the first and most essential filtration round, the 5-section Java Assessment. 

  •    Core Java – 10 Questions, 15 min – MCQ Questions
  •    Spring boot – 5 Questions, 10 min – MCQ Questions.
  •    Coding  – 1 Question, 15 min – Programming Test.
  •    AI-evaluation: Speaking:  10 min
  •    AI-evaluation: Writing: 10 min

Coding Question: Array-based Question (Difficulty level of the coding question was easy). I received notification on that very same day that my Java Developer assessment was successful and had a successful overall score. 

Interview :  7-may-2022: On May 5th, two days before the day of my interview, I received a letter informing me that I had passed my assessment and had been invited to the technical interview, which was to take place on May 7th. 

Interview Questions: My interview began with “Tell me about yourself,” as I had anticipated. He began his questioning with Core Java foundations and OOPS concepts, and then he asked about my familiarity with the Stream API and asked a few related questions. 


  • What are the main features of OOPs? Give real-life examples. 
  • what is diff b/w a fail-fast and a fail-safe iterator in the real-life collection?
  • What is diff b/w hashtable and hashmap? 
  • what is the difference between abstract class and interface? 
  • what is the diff b/w LinkedList and Arraylist?
  • what is diff b/w checked and unchecked exceptions?
  • what’s the diff b/w class lock and object lock?
  • what is diff b/w between waiting and sleep?
  • what are the diff b/w shallow and deep cloning?
  • how to create a singleton class? 
  •  how to create an immutable class?
  • I was then asked to write a program for the Fibonacci numbers as he moved on to DSA. I completed it swiftly, and when he instructed me to use a better strategy, I did it using DP. 
  • He then moved on to ask about the Maximum Sum sub-array Sliding Window problem, and I answered by concurrently demonstrating. 
  • Then he asked about my projects. He queried the size of my team and about the most challenging assignment I had to do and how did I go about it. 
  • He concluded by asking, “Do you want to ask me anything?”. 

I questioned him about how I did, and he offered some helpful comments and advice for improving my rational thinking before wrapping up the session. 

Interview:  9-may-2022: I received a call on May 8, one day prior to the day of my HR interview, notifying me that I had been chosen for the next phase and had been asked for the HR interview, which was scheduled for May 9. 

HR Interview: It was the simplest one, the HR was quite friendly and asked me all the usual HR questions, We then talked about my salary and expected joining date. 

On May 11th, I received the offer letter, Overall, I had a positive experience, and before wrapping up

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill