Golang program that uses fallthrough keyword

With the help of fallthrough statement, we can use to transfer the program control just after the statement is executed in the switch cases even if the expression does not match. Normally, control will come out of the statement of switch just after the execution of first line after match. Don’t put the fallthrough in the last statement of switch case.

Example 1: In this example we can see that by using switch cases with fallthrough and assuming variable as a string type we can make use of switch cases.

// Golang program to show the
// uses of fallthrough keyword
package main
// Here "fmt" is formatted IO which
// is same as C’s printf and scanf.
import "fmt"
// Main function
func main() {
    day := "Tue"
    // Use switch on the day variable.
    switch {
    case day == "Mon":
    case day == "Tue":
    case day == "Wed":

Output :


Example 2:

// Golang program to show the
// uses of fallthrough keyword
package main
// Here "fmt" is formatted IO which
// is same as C’s printf and scanf.
import "fmt"
// Main function
func main() {
    gfg := "Geek"
    // Use switch on the day variable.
    switch {
    case gfg == "Geek":
    case gfg == "For":
    case gfg == "Beginner":

Output :
