Goldman Sachs Interview Experience | Set 42 (Less than 1 year experienced)

Round 1(HackerRank)

1: Related to find the total number of common digits in some range of numbers.

2: Knapsack problem variation, and expected output was the array of items and not the maximum value.

Round 2(CoderPad)

Discussion about current work and project.

Round 3(CoderPad)

1.The rain water tapping problem.

Round 4(Telephonic)

1.Virtual Functions in C++.(About vptr and vtable)
2.Worst Case of QuickSort.
3.All casting operators in C++.
4.Internal implementation of map.
5.Code to test whether a graph is tree or not.
6.About tree traversals.
7.Difference between map and unordered_map.
8.Internal implementation of vector.

Round 5(F2F)

1.About yourself.
2.About current project.
3.Binary Search Tree Insertion and Deletion.
4.Given two sorted arrays and a sum, find all pairs whose sum is equal to the given number.
Time complexity required-O(n).
5. Why do you want to switch.

Round 6(F2F)
1. Clone a linked list with next and random pointer.
2.Copy Constructor.
Why const is used?
3.Virtual functions in C++.
4.Internal Implementation of map.

Round 7(F2F)
1. About yourself and current project.
2. Question related to trie data structure.
3. Question related to binary search. It was not a direct binary search question.
4. Some CV related qstns.

Got eliminated here.