Google blocks more than 170 million policy-violating reviews in 2023: Report

Google has taken a strong stand against fraudulent activities by blocking or removing more than 170 million policy-violating reviews in 2023. This marked a significant increase of over 45% compared to the previous year. Using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, Google has a strong commitment to maintaining the integrity of user-generated content that reflects the evolving trends of online platforms.

Key Takeaways

Google’s Crackdown on Fraud: Google intensified efforts, removing 170M+ fraudulent reviews in 2023, up by 45%, using advanced algorithms.

User and Business Protection: Actions shield users from misleading info and businesses from harm, blocking 12M+ fake profiles.

Enhanced Trust and Integrity: Google’s vigilance boosts trust, ensuring a cleaner online environment and reinforcing its commitment to reliability.

Why did Google Blocked Millions of Policy-Violating Reviews

Google took a decisive stand against policy-violating reviews, blocking millions in response to a surge in fraudulent activities. The company used advanced machine learning algorithms, this algorithm was designed to detect questionable review patterns even faster by examining longer-term signals daily. For instance, if a reviewer leaves the same review on multiple businesses or if a business receives a sudden spike in 1 or 5-star reviews, the algorithm tracks that.

The company’s vigilance also protected business owners from around 2 million hacking attempts on Business Profiles, flexing their defense against fraudulent claims. Notably, legal actions were taken, with a lawsuit filed against an actor posting fake reviews on Maps, backing Google’s dedication to combating fraudulent manipulation.

How Did Google Block Policy-Violating Reviews?

Google’s achievement in removing over 170 million policy-violating reviews in 2023 was made possible through a cutting-edge machine learning (ML) algorithm. This algorithm played an important role in taking down 45% more fake reviews. The technology can study vast datasets, identify patterns, and detect reviews of breaching policies. The company also disclosed that more than 12 million fake business profiles were recognized and blocked. Also, the video moderation algorithms detected fake overlaid phone numbers and identified 14 million policy-violating videos in 2023. Google also mentioned filing a lawsuit against a malicious actor responsible for posting fake reviews on Maps and attempting to manipulate services for small businesses.

What Impact Does This Have on User Experience?

Google’s action in removing or blocking over 12 million fake business profiles in 2023 shows the tech giant’s commitment to ensuring the integrity of Google Maps and Search. This approach not only safeguards users from misleading information but also protects businesses from possible harm. The blocking of fake business profiles is an important step toward maintaining a safe online environment. This noteworthy decrease in fraudulent profiles makes a cleaner and more trustworthy ecosystem.

As Google continues the removal of misleading content, questions are regarding the long-term effects on user behavior. The positive impact on user trust and the overall quality of content aligns with Google’s dedication to providing users with a reliable and informed online experience.

How Does This Reflect on Google’s Responsibility?

Google has positioned itself as a caretaker of reliable information, safeguarding users from misleading or fraudulent content. This approach aligns with the company’s commitment to providing users with accurate, trustworthy content.

Google recognizes its role in shaping the online available information and understands the impact that policy-violating reviews can have on user trust and decision-making. Through this action, Google not only demonstrates technological advancements but also shows its dedication to maintaining integrity.

What Other Measures Did Google Take?

Google’s commitment to maintaining a secure online environment extends beyond this. The company also implemented advancements in video moderation algorithms, specifically targeting the detection of fake overlaid phone numbers. These improvements resulted in the identification and removal of a substantial 14 million policy-violating videos, marking a significant increase of 7 million. Google also took measures to protect business owners and prevented over 2 million hacking attempts made at wrongfully claiming Business Profiles.


Google’s efforts in 2023 show its commitment to maintaining the integrity of its platforms and protecting users and businesses from dishonest activities. With the help of advanced ML algorithms, Google has been able to increase the number of policy-violating reviews and fake business profiles it blocks or removes. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect Google to remain at the forefront of the fight against online fraud.

FAQs on Google’s War Against Fake Reviews

What measures did Google take to block policy-violating reviews?

Google deployed a new machine learning algorithm that detects suspicious review patterns.

How many fake business profiles did Google block or remove in 2023?

More than 12 million fake business profiles were either removed or blocked in 2023.

How did Google’s new algorithm help in catching scammers?

The algorithm’s ability to continuously study patterns helped Google identify a rise in suspicious reviews.