Google Developer Students Club Lead (GDSC) Interview Experience 2023

This describes the journey after the application round for applying to be a GDSC Lead.

The process of becoming a GDSC Lead

After Clearing the initial application round, I was invited to a coding round via email. It was a new round of the elimination process, newly introduced for my batch. They sent us an email regarding the topics, & they actually did not discreetly mention the actual CSE-IT curriculum chapters that would be there. The test was of 2 parts-

  1. The technical questions round consisted of topics from DBMS, Computer Networks, etc. We had the option of skipping questions & coming back later to solve them. Even though the level was easy, facing them with a non-computer science background can be difficult. I actually once felt that this round was enough to kick me off the track, but even one known question can save your midnight. The whole section was covered in ~15 mins, & I proceeded to the next section.
  2. The aptitude section- this was one of the most talked about sections on tech Twitter, & perhaps the lengthiest. Honestly, I loved it. It was like an online personality test, only with 100 questions, whose answers would bring an average score of your interests & how a person you are. If you have ever come across one of those “take this quiz to know if you are in depression” types of things where there is no correct/wrong answer, yeah that is it. Answer it honestly though, because even though your pessimistic side prevails in the test, you might be more optimistic in your general life.

The timings are separate for both tests, so, if you finish one, the second one’s timer starts from scratch. I finished both of them in 1hr 30 mins approx.

Questions that I was asked in the interview round-

  1. A basic introduction
  2. Whether or not, there is an existing GDSC in your college. I was a founding lead, so I was asked for some extra details for that. This info can differ if there is already an existing GDSC in your campus.
  3. What are OOPs? Name 4 Google techs that you use on a daily basis.
  4. What is the difference between frontend & backend?
  5. Name a project (could be a recent one, don’t name too old projects), how did you build it, the objective of the project, & extensive details of the project (if your project is interesting )
  6. How would you select your gdsc members if you were a lead?
  7. Suppose you were too ill to attend an event & you are the organizer. How would you ensure that the proceedings of the event aint harmed/ how would you manage the event in that setting?
  8. What is a GDSC? How did you come to know about it?
  9. What would you do if there are lesser volunteers to cater to your event? (understaffed situation)
  10. Were you in any leadership roles before? if yes, elaborate.

These were the questions asked me, but I came to know that a lot of other applicants, especially from computer science domain branches, were grilled about their projects. So, be prepared to answer any question, from the aim to how you implemented the tech stacks to build it. The meeting will be recorded-so don’t rule out the fact that the footage can always be cross-checked by them for further details about your application.

The result- I got selected as a GDSC Lead for the 2023-24 session.