Google Developers Student Clubs Lead (GDSC) Interview Experience

Just before applying for the Google Developers student clubs, I have been searching for the interview process and the format of the selection, there is no such article that provides an interview experience, so I thought I could help people by providing my interview experience.

Before going into the interview process lets me describe the process to get there, by following the below steps you would probably make it through, you will get an interview mail

you can just type google Developers student clubs and there will be a button Lead Chapter that will navigate you to the website Advocu GDSC where you apply for the Lead position in your college, there are some steps to fill out the form.

Step 1. You have to update the basic details

Step 2. If you are having any co-organizers ( like your peers) you can give their email and phone number as well

Step 3. You have to answer a few questions asked by them in an essay format:

  • Tell us a little about the developer community in your area.
  • Tell us a little about yourself and your technical background.
  • Why are you interested in starting a Google Developer Group?
  • Do you have any experience organizing events and community groups?

Note: Make sure that you write your own answer and not copy, and rather than focusing on what you get from it, focus on what can you give to the community.

Step 4. Record a 90 seconds video and show us why you are the right person to be a GDSC Leader at your Institution.

Note: Whatever you say just be confident to express your views.

After completion of all the above steps you have to wait, you will have to write a test that consists of 100 questions, which basically focuses on your personality and there would be some technical questions too. make sure you cover some important topics in DAA and OS, coding languages.

Step 5: After evaluating your test papers if you are selected you would get a mail to schedule your interview, based on your availability you can schedule the interview timing

And Finally The Interview:

My interview was at 6:45(virtual), and I was very nervous I was taking a picture of myself before the interview, and I was making sure that my internet was good and the lighting is good. I joined before 15 min (6:30) for the interview.

The interviewer joined 5 minutes early (6:40) and he is very good, and he is friendly, he was like “We will be starting the interview after 5 minutes” meanwhile he is asking about my name, and how am I doing. I felt really well, the interview started.

1. He started with the question “Introduce yourself.

Explain yourself briefly, and your education, not only that do Explain the projects you have worked with, explain the technologies you have used in the project, its better if you have done any internships, if yes just explain about them too.

Tip: The first impression should be good, just be confident.

2. Why do you want to become the Google DSC Lead for your campus?

– Explain your intention to become DSC lead just don’t say something, explain it properly, don’t focus on what you get from it, just focus on what you give to the community.

Tip: in my situation my answer was, i am in tier 3 college so in our college there are students who are having knowledge of many technologies and have done many groundbreaking projects, but they are not having a proper platform to showcase their talent, so by GDSC I would like to bring a platform through which each and every student gets recognized for their talent.

3. What do you expect from GDSC?

– Explain the answer briefly, what do you want from them, don’t just say I want goodies, swags, explain about their technologies and their workshops which are bieng organized

4. On What technologies did you work for your project?

– Explain the technologies, if you had done any project make sure that you are having a brief idea about that if you are very much confident about the projects then only say about them in the beginning.

5. Based on your project there will be questions asked?

just be confident and say about it

6. How is your project helpful to Others?

7. What is your network in your college?

like if you are GDSC lead you should have proper communication with every on, the interviewer will ask about that, not only communication they should have proper exposure.

Tip: if you have worked in any club you can say that by which you can say that you are having exposure.

8. What will you do if you are selected as GDSC lead?

A GDSC consists of a lead and 7 core members, start with the statement “Firstly I would select the core team by looking at their strengths in the technology ” then say about influencing people, etc..

9. Questions on DSA

– I don’t know about second years, but if you are in 3rd year of your under graduation you will be asked about Stacks, Queues, and Trees.

10. Explain Oops Concepts?

Explain briefly about them rather than just saying, make sure that you are giving real-time examples.

11. Did you Lead any of the events? if so explain the challenges that are faced.

Explain the challenges that are faced by you mainly explain how did you tackle that problem

Tip: Say that you are a team Leader, dividing the work equally among others

12. If you are selected as GDSC lead, There are Some people who are discussing behind you, not following your words what would you do in that situation?

– Say how would you tackle that situation.

Tip: in my situation, I answered that, if many people are talking behind me I am sure they would be having a better idea or better plan than me so I would discuss their ideas and I would ask for their suggestions.

13 . If you are selected as GDSC lead, If you are planning to conduct an event what are the steps you follow, explain them briefly.

This is an important question it tests your leadership and organizing skills, so think twice and answer

Tip: Start the answer from very scratch and tell about the organizing event.

14 . If there is a student who knows Java very well but you are conducting a workshop on Python, how would you motivate that student to attend the program?

– Start the answer with both the programming languages that are good, explain the advantages that you get with Python which are not there in Java, and make sure that you mention emerging technologies like AIML are based on Python.

At last, he said it’s nice talking to you have a nice day.


you can crack the interview even though you are not that much strong in DSA but you should have proper communication and leadership skills all they check is your personality, whether you can lead the club or not, make sure that you are having one strong part, either in web development, DSA, App development.

After All, I was not selected for the GDSC Lead ? but selected as Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, All the best.