Google Interview Experience for Software Engineer L3 Bangalore (6 Years Experienced)

In January 2022 I got a mail from a Google Recruiter for the opportunity. First Round was scheduled for 28th February 2022. It was the Technical Phone Screening Round

First Round (Technical Phone Screening): This round happened online on Google Meet. In This Round, The Interviewer asked the below Coding Question on a shared doc. I had to write the code on that shared document I was able to solve.

This Round happened at the end of February, I didn’t get any call or feedback from the recruiter. After a week I followed up with the recruiter over email to get the feedback, she told me that I was able to clear this round, and asked me my availability for the onsite Rounds. I told her that I need 2-3 weeks for the onsite round, then after one month, she followed up with me to finalize the dates, and finally, the onsite rounds were scheduled for the first week of May.

  • All the onsite Rounds were virtual on Google Meet.
  • All the Rounds were scheduled on different-different dates (After confirmation of my availability)
  • I did not go to the Google Office for the Onsite Interviews
  • Below are the Questions asked in each Round

Onsite Round 1:
Onsite Round 2:
Onsite Round 3:
Onsite Round 4 (Googlyness): This Round mainly focuses on the behavioral aspects of the candidate. some questions that I faced in this round are below:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Suppose you have a given requirement to build a system. but the requirement is not fully complete from the product. How do you approach building that
  • What challenges did you face when you wanted to extend an existing system
  • How did you define the success matrix for your product
  • If the manager asks you for some wrong demand? how will you respond to that? For example, if he/she is saying to complete the task with a very tight deadline? to work overnight? how will you respond to that?
  • What was the most challenging project in your career? What were the learnings from the project also? Technical Learning and nontechnical learning also
  • Suppose In Google Photos. we gave you the task to train a model to identify if in a picture is a person smiling or not? What type of data would you need to train the model? I mean what kind of pictures do you require for that?

That was all about the interview Experience, I was not selected by the hiring committee. Overall the experience was good, the interviewers were very polite and helpful. except one (In Round 2). she was not discussing anything. otherwise, all the remaining interviewers were very active and helpful during the interview.