Google Interview Experience for Summer Intern 23 (On-Campus)

Google came for on-campus hiring for the role of a summer internship. There was a coding round and then 2 technical interviews.

1st round ā€“ The online assessment (Coding round) ā€“ The online coding round has 2 questions. The questions were medium to hard level. I was able to complete both questions but could only pass partial test cases. Almost a month later, we go the results and I was selected for the interview round.

2nd round ā€“ Technical interview ā€“ The interview started with the interviewer introducing himself and asking me about my introduction. Then he presented a DSA question related to dynamic programming in google docs. I vaguely remember the question. It was related to mountain height which can be decreased by 1 in every step and Iā€™d to find the minimum steps to do something. I was able to do it correctly and optimize it. He then asked me about the time and space complexity. In an hour, I got a mail for the next round.

3rd round ā€“ Technical interview ā€“ 2 ā€“ In the second interview, the interviewer directly started with the question. The question went like this ā€“ ā€œA kid has an uncle who wants to gift him something. The price of the gift increases by some percentage and also, the salary of the uncle increases by some function. Iā€™d to find the best time for the uncle to buy the gift.ā€ It had concepts of backtracking and dynamic programming. I could tell the approach but could not code the complete question in 45mins.

It was a nice experience but I think I could have done better. All the best to you!