Graylog vs Splunk

Graylog and Splunk are both powerful log management and analysis tools that can help organizations collect, process, and analyze log data from various sources.

 Here are some key differences between Graylog and Splunk:

Cost: Graylog is an open-source platform, which means it is free to use and can be customized and extended by developers. Splunk, on the other hand, is a proprietary tool that requires a license fee, which can be expensive, especially for large organizations.

Ease of Use: Splunk is often considered more user-friendly than Graylog, with a more intuitive user interface and easier installation and setup. However, Graylog has made significant improvements in recent years to improve its user experience and ease of use.

Scalability: Splunk is known for its scalability and ability to handle large amounts of data, making it a preferred choice for enterprise-level organizations. Graylog is also scalable but may require additional resources and configuration to handle large amounts of data.

Features: Splunk offers a wide range of features, including machine learning, advanced analytics, and a robust ecosystem of plugins and apps. Graylog has fewer features but offers powerful search capabilities, alerts, and dashboards.

Community Support: Graylog has a growing community of users and contributors who are actively developing and improving the platform. Splunk also has a large community of users, but being a proprietary tool, it may have less community support for customization and development.

Ultimately, the choice between Graylog and Splunk depends on the specific needs and requirements of an organization. Graylog may be a good fit for small to mid-sized organizations with a limited budget and a need for powerful log search and analysis capabilities. Splunk, on the other hand, may be a better choice for larger organizations with complex log management needs and a need for advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities.

Some monitoring software is required that lets you examine the data and find the security threats in the network. Both, Graylog software and Splunk tool are types of log management tools that find security threats and issues. They analyze the data generated from machines. Choosing the right Security information and event management (SIEM) tool for your business can be a difficult decision. Both tools have their own pros and cons and are different from each other. Let us see in what aspects they differ.

What is Graylog?

Graylog is written in Java and works with Graylog extended log format(GLEF) and its search language is Lucene syntax. It is a powerful log management solution that depends on MongoDB and Elasticsearch. It is made up of three parts: MongoDB, Graylog’s main server, and Graylog’s web interface. It exchanges different config files and Content Packs with other Graylog users as it has an entire community-driven marketplace.

Key Features

  1. It is a log collector and consolidator.
  2. It creates and manages log files.
  3. Data viewer.


  1. User-friendly interface.
  2. Can handle a variety of data formats.
  3. Quite flexible over authentication process and user permissions.
  4. Can send you email alerts.
  5. Uses simple widgets to create custom reports and dashboards.


  1. Cannot read Syslog files.
  2. The dashboard is not user-friendly in terms of management.
  3. It is not the best option for large enterprises.

What is Splunk?

Splunk is one of the famous American software that helps with searching, monitoring as well as analyzing machine-generated data. Also, it generates visualizations, dashboards, alerts, reports, and graphs. It uses a web-style interface that lets you edit or add new components to the dashboard. Basically, it is used for monitoring and searching through big data. It provides solutions that deliver unified security and observability.

Key Features

  1. Data visualization.
  2. Performance metrics.
  3. Real-Time Search.
  4. Reporting and Monitoring.


  1. It is a well-established software so documentation is provided easily.
  2. Debugging is available.
  3. It is quite fast compared to Kibana.


  1. It is licensed and thus charges for usage and is quite expensive.
  2. It is quite complex to set up Splunk software.
  3. It is less interactive as its User Interface is not quite friendly.

Difference between Graylog and Splunk is as follows: 




Multiple Operating System It does not support multiple operating systems. It supports multiple operating systems.
Functionality By installing plugins on a machine, the server’s functionality can be increased. Functionality is limited.
Multiple data formats It does not support multiple data formats as it does not support multiple operating systems. It supports .csv files, .xml files, or .json files as it supports multiple operating systems.
Expense It is less expensive when compared with the Splunk tool. It is quite expensive.
Maintenance It is easy to maintain. It is hard to maintain.
Visualization It does not provide the functionality of visualizing the generated data in real time. It provides the functionality of visualizing the generated data in real time.
Readable It does not present data in a human-readable form. It presents the data in human-readable form.
Other platforms MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and Scala are the other platforms that use Graylog. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes are the platforms that use Splunk.

Conclusion: To manage the log files properly, both Graylog and Splunk tools have the functionality of scaling. Both are built to collect the data and store it for the long term. In Graylog, log collecting is fairly easy and integrates well with plugins created by the developer and in Splunk, everything is done manually. Splunk is basically used when there is a requirement of handling huge data and Graylog helps to manage the data that flows in the network. Both tools have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the users to decide which suits them better according to their system and requirements.