Guru Ghasidas University Campus Experience

Greetings! I’m currently in my third year at Guru Ghasidas University. In this article, I aim to share my journey through various interviews I’ve attended over the past three years during this years.

I am part of two clubs—Student Chapter GFG and NEXUS— and they have significantly contributed to my personal growth, skill enhancement, and overall development. The memories forged within these clubs remain invaluable. Joining these clubs was a result of interviews I underwent during my first year. In those initial years, I participated in interviews for clubs and a startup, each leaving me with distinct interview experiences.

GDSC was my first interview. It was more of a trial to gain experience, but I hadn’t prepared adequately. I lacked a resume, applied for a highly competitive position, and failed to brush up on crucial concepts beforehand, signaling my unpreparedness.

UDAAN introduced me to group interviews, I had learned from my previous experience, and this time I had prepared my resume. I cleared my first round because my confidence level was good and very few from my group had brought a resume so I was an easy option. In my resume, I had written that I was good at web development but the reality was in my first year I only knew a few things about web development. when they called me for 2nd round I didn’t make it because of a lack of skills.

Then came LogicalLoops, a startup offering training based on interviews. This time, I conducted extensive research, fortified my resume with personal projects, and witnessed the significance of projects in interviews. Those with showcased projects or exceptional skills clinched the training spots, highlighting the value of practical experience.

Following are some important tips that i find are important before giving any interview

  • Resume – I would say that having a good resume is most important part of interview and hiring process. It becomes easy for interviewer to judge you if he have your resume
  • Confidence level – In an interview it is possible that interviewer did not have complete knowledge about question so here your confidence matters most if your confidence level is down before giving any answer interviewer may think that you are not sure about your answer and may consider you unfit for role.
  • Speaking skills – being able to express yourself is crucial if you know answer but dont know how to convey it then interviewer consider that you dont know it . To increase speaking skill try to explain any concept or any answer to your friend and ask weather he understood. It is good practice which will help you to increase speaking skills
  • Projects – Having a good project before giving any techniacal interview is helpful . project is like a proof that you have necessary skills that you claim you have. If you clame that you are master at any development, say web development, but you dont have any projects in it then interviewer may not hire you