HackWithInfy Exam Experience

HackWithInfy is a nationwide hackathon conducted by Infosys through which they select students from internships and jobs in Infosys. It is a yearly event conducted by Infosys. This article is an account of my experience of this event. After filling out the registration form the eligible students were given link for the examination.

The first round was a coding round and consists of 3rd question. The first question was related to trees, We needed to construct an array consisting of the given nodes and perform operations on it. The main objective was to find the number of nodes that were satisfying the given question. This question was fairly simple and I was able to write the code for this question using recursion. This question was the easiest among all the given questions.

The second question was the implementation of fractional knap sack problem. This question is one of the most expected question in coding round so I was well aware of the solution of this and was able to solve it in less time. This question made me understand the importance of revision before any important exam as if I had not revised the question I would not be able to solve this question in less time.

The third and last question was related to trees. The question was to find the nodes at a distance k from a given source node. My approach was to find the nodes and assign them the distance from the given node. I was able to pass the given test cases i.e. public test cases, but the hidden test cases were not solved. After the contest while researching i found the case that was not being solved, that was the nodes above the given node at a distance k from the node.

Overall this was a decent experience, i was able to solve 2 questions completely and was able to solve due to continuous revision.I would recommend everyone to try taking this exam next year .