Handling Large Datasets in Pandas

Pandas is a robust Python data manipulation package that is frequently used for jobs involving data analysis and modification. However, standard Pandas procedures can become resource-intensive and inefficient when working with huge datasets. We’ll look at methods in this post for efficiently managing big datasets in Pandas Python applications.

Problem with Handling Large Datasets

Pandas is a great tool when working with tiny datasets, usually ranging from two to three gigabytes. For datasets bigger than this threshold, using Pandas is not recommended. This is because, should the dataset size surpass the available RAM, Pandas loads the full dataset into memory before processing. Memory problems can occur even with smaller datasets since preprocessing and modification creates duplicates of the DataFrame.
Despite these drawbacks, by using particular methods, Pandas may be used to manage bigger datasets in Python. Let’s explore these techniques, which let you use Pandas to analyze millions of records and efficiently manage huge datasets in Python.

How to handle Large Datasets in Python?

  1. Use Efficient Datatypes: Utilize more memory-efficient data types (e.g., int32 instead of int64, float32 instead of float64) to reduce memory usage.
  2. Load Less Data: Use the use-cols parameter in pd.read_csv() to load only the necessary columns, reducing memory consumption.
  3. Sampling: For exploratory data analysis or testing, consider working with a sample of the dataset instead of the entire dataset.
  4. Chunking: Use the chunksize parameter in pd.read_csv() to read the dataset in smaller chunks, processing each chunk iteratively.
  5. Optimizing Pandas dtypes: Use the astype method to convert columns to more memory-efficient types after loading the data, if appropriate.
  6. Parallelizing Pandas with Dask: Use Dask, a parallel computing library, to scale Pandas workflows to larger-than-memory datasets by leveraging parallel processing.

Using Efficient Data Types:

  • Reducing memory utilization in Pandas requires the use of efficient data types. For instance, if precision allows, you can use float32 or even float16 in instead of the standard float64 dtype. Similar to this, if the data range permits, integer columns can be downcast to smaller integer types like int8, int16, or int32.
  • Benefits: Significantly lessens memory footprint, particularly for big datasets.
  • Implementation: When reading data, you can use functions like pd.read_csv() or pd.read_sql() to specify the dtype parameter. Furthermore, existing columns can be changed to more memory-efficient types using the astype() method.


import pandas as pd
# Define the size of the dataset
num_rows = 1000000  # 1 million rows
# Example DataFrame with inefficient datatypes
data = {'A': [1, 2, 3, 4],
        'B': [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Replicate the DataFrame to create a larger dataset
df_large = pd.concat([df] * (num_rows // len(df)), ignore_index=True)
# Check memory usage before conversion
print("Memory usage before conversion:")
# Convert to more memory-efficient datatypes
df_large['A'] = pd.to_numeric(df_large['A'], downcast='integer')
df_large['B'] = pd.to_numeric(df_large['B'], downcast='float')
# Check memory usage after conversion
print("Memory usage after conversion:")


Memory usage before conversion:
Memory usage after conversion:

Load Less Data

  • Overview: This technique entails loading only the relevant columns from the dataset. This is especially helpful when working with datasets that have a lot of columns or when analysis just requires a portion of the data.
  • Benefits: Enhances processing effectiveness and uses less memory.
  • Implementation: To select which columns to load, use the usecols parameter in routines such as pd.read_csv().


import pandas as pd
# Create sample DataFrame
data = {'A': range(1000),
        'B': range(1000),
        'C': range(1000),
        'D': range(1000)}
# Load only specific columns
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_subset = df[['A', 'D']]
print('Specific Columns of the DataFrame')


Specific Columns of the DataFrame
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4


  • Sampling is the process of choosing a random selection of the dataset’s data for examination. This can be used to quickly analyze the dataset, explore it, or create models using a representative sample of the data.
  • Benefits: Makes analysis and experimentation faster, especially when working with big datasets.
  • Implementation: To randomly select rows or columns from the DataFrame, use Pandas’ sample() method.


import pandas as pd
# Create sample DataFrame
data = {'A': range(1000),
        'B': range(1000),
        'C': range(1000),
        'D': range(1000)}
# Sample 10% of the dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_sample = df.sample(frac=0.1, random_state=42)


       A    B    C    D
521 521 521 521 521
737 737 737 737 737
740 740 740 740 740
660 660 660 660 660
411 411 411 411 411


  • Rather than loading the complete dataset into memory at once, chunking entails processing the dataset in smaller, more manageable parts. When working with datasets that are too big to fit in memory, this is quite helpful.
  • Benefits: Processes huge datasets on devices with limited memory and uses less memory.
  • Implementation: To specify the number of rows to read at a time, use the chunksize argument in routines such as pd.read_csv().


import pandas as pd
# Create sample DataFrame
data = {'A': range(10000),
        'B': range(10000)}
# Process data in chunks
chunk_size = 1000
for chunk in pd.DataFrame(data).groupby(pd.DataFrame(data).index // chunk_size):


(0,        A    B
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
.. ... ...
995 995 995
996 996 996
997 997 997
998 998 998
999 999 999

[1000 rows x 2 columns])
(1, A B
1000 1000 1000
1001 1001 1001
1002 1002 1002
1003 1003 1003
1004 1004 1004
... ... ...
1995 1995 1995
1996 1996 1996
1997 1997 1997
1998 1998 1998
1999 1999 1999

[1000 rows x 2 columns])
(2, A B
2000 2000 2000
2001 2001 2001
2002 2002 2002
2003 2003 2003
2004 2004 2004
... ... ...
2995 2995 2995
2996 2996 2996
2997 2997 2997
2998 2998 2998
2999 2999 2999

[1000 rows x 2 columns])
(3, A B
3000 3000 3000
3001 3001 3001
3002 3002 3002
3003 3003 3003
3004 3004 3004
... ... ...
3995 3995 3995
3996 3996 3996
3997 3997 3997
3998 3998 3998
3999 3999 3999

Optimising Pandas dtypes:

  • Described as: Finding columns with data types that are not as efficient as possible and changing them to ones that are would save more memory. Performance can be greatly enhanced and memory utilization can be much decreased.
  • Benefits: Increases processing speed and minimizes memory footprint.
  • Implementation: To convert columns to more efficient data types, use the astype() method. To convert columns to datetime or numeric types, respectively, use functions such as pd.to_datetime() or pd.to_numeric().


import pandas as pd
# Create sample DataFrame
data = {'date_column': ['2022-01-01', '2022-01-02', '2022-01-03'],
        'numeric_column': [1.234, 2.345, 3.456]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Convert inefficient dtypes
df['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_column'])
df['numeric_column'] = pd.to_numeric(df['numeric_column'], downcast='float')

date_column       datetime64[ns]
numeric_column float32
dtype: object

Parallelising Pandas with Dask:

  • Dask is a package for parallel computing that works well with Pandas and offers parallelized operations for big datasets. Your Pandas workflows can be scaled across many cores or even distributed clusters with its help.
  • Advantages: Allows Pandas operations to be executed in parallel, greatly reducing processing times for huge datasets.
  • Implementation: To execute parallelized operations on sizable datasets, use Dask data structures like dask.DataFrame and dask.array. Dask facilitates the smooth transfer of current codebases to parallel execution by supporting the majority of the well-known Pandas APIs.


import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
# Create sample DataFrame
data = {'A': range(10000),
        'B': range(10000)}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Load data using Dask
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=4)
# Perform parallelized operations
result = ddf.groupby('A').mean().compute()

0 0.0
1 1.0
2 2.0
3 3.0
4 4.0
... ...
9995 9995.0
9996 9996.0
9997 9997.0
9998 9998.0
9999 9999.0
[10000 rows x 1 columns]