Happiest Minds Interview Experience 2023

Round 1: Online Test

  • Duration: 90 minutes
    • 30 questions – 30 min – Aptitude
      • basic pattern-based questions, average, string decoding, blood relation, direction, logical reasoning, passage comprehension, verbal (fill with appropriate answers)
    • 10 questions – 10 min – Technical
      • DSA and DBMS basic questions, Case study based questions from DBMS
    • 2 questions – 50 min – Coding
      • Change all uppercase letters to lowercase
      • Question-based on topological sorting
  • Difficulty Level: Easy – medium

(Python solution submission were facing a technical issue, then it was rescheduled for selected students)

Round 2: Technical Interview

  • Duration: 30-40 minutes
  • coding :
    • Fibonacci series
    • Arr = [a , b ,c , d , j , a, c , k] Given an array , find the count of each distinct character and it’s frequency.
  • DBMS :
    • Joins
    • I was asked to write a query based on the join
    • Stored procedures and views
    • What is order by clause; Can we use where with it, if not then what can be used
  • DSA :
    • Types of data structures
    • How can we perform sorting on a binary tree
  • OOPS :
    • Compile time and run time polymorphism
    • Static class
    • Virtual function
    • Overriding example
    • Constructor
    • Concept of static and global variables
    • Access modifiers
  • PYTHON :
    • Memory management in Python
    • Built-in data type
    • Difference between list and tuple
    • Difference between list and array
    • How can we retrieve elements from an array of size n
    • What do you understand by PASS

Round 3: Managerial Round

  • Introduce yourself
  • Situation based questions :
    • what will you do if any team member is not cooperating with you
    • what will be your reaction if the deadline of the project is reduced
    • what will be your reaction if the company will ask you to work during weekends
    • how did you manage your academics and work
    • any location preference
    • your code in Python, what will you do if the company gives you any project which is based on java language
  • Interested subjects: I mentioned OS and DBMS so I was asked :
    • which data structure do we use in DBMS
    • what is a process and threads in the operating system
    • Have you learned C and explored kernel coding (IF NOT THEN WHY)
  • Technical questions :
    • what is BST and its time complexity
    • what is a Neural network and its types
  • What is my aspiration, where I want to see myself after 5 years

Round 4: HR (Final Round)

The interviewer just introduced herself and also asked me to introduce myself. I was asked the reason for choosing PSIT as my college. Also why I have chosen the happiest minds. It consists of only such basic questions which were followed by a briefing of the offer.

** Tips: Be real in front of the interviewer, just try to use appropriate words and frame them in a proper manner instead of faking the interviewer. Also, work on coding basics and prepare DSA very well.**