HashedIn Interview Experience for SDE-1 (April 2022)

Online coding test: It consists of 3 questions that were in the medium level.

  • One question was a dynamic programming one.
  • Another was based on Heap.
  • I don’t exactly remember the 3rd question.

Technical Round 1: In this round, they test our knowledge of core concepts of OS, DBMS, Computer Networks, and DSA.
They test our knowledge of the selected programming language. I’ve selected Python, they asked some deep questions in Python.

  • I thought that I would get rejected in TR1 itself. But got a chance for TR2.

In TR2, they test our basic knowledge of Core subjects and it is mainly like System Design Round, where they ask you to design a Database/ small and simple games like Tic-Tac-Toe/Snake and Ladder/Ludo. (Backend logic is enough and pseudo code).

  • You can easily clear this round if you have sound knowledge of database design and decent programming skills.

Fitment round: In this round, they test your speaking skills and it would be like a normal conversation. He gave me a scenario and told me to answer. I’ve answered my level best. And the final result was- I GOT SELECTED.

All the best for your interview!!!