Hashtables Chaining with Doubly Linked Lists

Prerequisite – Hashing Introduction, Hashtable using Singly Linked List & Implementing our Own Hash Table with Separate Chaining in Java Implementing hash table using Chaining through Doubly Linked List is similar to implementing Hashtable using Singly Linked List. The only difference is that every node of Linked List has the address of both, the next and the previous node. This will speed up the process of adding and removing elements from the list, hence the time complexity will be reduced drastically. 


If we have a Singly linked list:


If we are at 3 and there is a need to remove it, then 2 need to be linked with 4 and as from 3, 2 can’t be accessed as it is singly linked list. So, the list has to be traversed again i.e O(n), but if we have doubly linked list i.e.


2 & 4 can be accessed from 3, hence in O(1), 3 can be removed.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ implementation of Hashtable
// using doubly linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int tablesize = 25;
// declaration of node
struct hash_node {
    int val, key;
    hash_node* next;
    hash_node* prev;
// hashmap's declaration
class HashMap {
    hash_node **hashtable, **top;
    // constructor
        // create a empty hashtable
        hashtable = new hash_node*[tablesize];
        top = new hash_node*[tablesize];
        for (int i = 0; i < tablesize; i++) {
            hashtable[i] = NULL;
            top[i] = NULL;
    // destructor
        delete[] hashtable;
    // hash function definition
    int HashFunc(int key)
        return key % tablesize;
    // searching method
    void find(int key)
        // Applying hashFunc to find
        // index for given key
        int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
        bool flag = false;
        hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
        // if hashtable at that index has some
        // values stored
        if (entry != NULL) {
            while (entry != NULL) {
                if (entry->key == key) {
                    flag = true;
                if (flag) {
                    cout << "Element found at key "
                        << key << ": ";
                    cout << entry->val << endl;
                entry = entry->next;
        if (!flag)
            cout << "No Element found at key "
                << key << endl;
    // removing an element
    void remove(int key)
        // Applying hashFunc to find
        // index for given key
        int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
        hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
        if (entry->key != key || entry == NULL) {
            cout << "Couldn't find any element at this key "
                << key << endl;
        // if some values are present at that key &
        // traversing the list and removing all values
        while (entry != NULL) {
            if (entry->next == NULL) {
                if (entry->prev == NULL) {
                    hashtable[hash_val] = NULL;
                    top[hash_val] = NULL;
                    delete entry;
                else {
                    top[hash_val] = entry->prev;
                    top[hash_val]->next = NULL;
                    delete entry;
                    entry = top[hash_val];
            entry = entry->next;
        cout << "Element was successfully removed at the key "
            << key << endl;
    // inserting method
    void add(int key, int value)
        // Applying hashFunc to find
        // index for given key
        int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
        hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
        // if key has no value stored
        if (entry == NULL) {
            // creating new node
            entry = new hash_node;
            entry->val = value;
            entry->key = key;
            entry->next = NULL;
            entry->prev = NULL;
            hashtable[hash_val] = entry;
            top[hash_val] = entry;
        // if some values are present
        else {
            // traversing till the end of
            // the list
            while (entry != NULL)
                entry = entry->next;
            // creating the new node
            entry = new hash_node;
            entry->val = value;
            entry->key = key;
            entry->next = NULL;
            entry->prev = top[hash_val];
            top[hash_val]->next = entry;
            top[hash_val] = entry;
        cout << "Value " << value << " was successfully"
                " added at key " << key << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    HashMap hash;
    hash.add(4, 5);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of Hashtable
// using doubly linked list
class GFG {
    static final int tablesize = 25;
    // declaration of node
    static class hash_node {
        int val, key;
        hash_node next;
        hash_node prev;
    // hashmap's declaration
    static class HashMap {
        hash_node hashtable[], top[];
        // constructor
            // create a empty hashtable
            hashtable = new hash_node[tablesize];
            top = new hash_node[tablesize];
            for (int i = 0; i < tablesize; i++) {
                hashtable[i] = null;
                top[i] = null;
        // hash function definition
        int HashFunc(int key) { return key % tablesize; }
        // searching method
        void find(int key)
            // Applying hashFunc to find
            // index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
            boolean flag = false;
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            // if hashtable at that index has some
            // values stored
            if (entry != null) {
                while (entry != null) {
                    if (entry.key == key) {
                        flag = true;
                    if (flag) {
                            "Element found at key " + key
                            + ": " + entry.val);
                    entry = entry.next;
            if (!flag)
                    "No Element found at key " + key);
        // removing an element
        void remove(int key)
            // Applying hashFunc to find
            // index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            if (entry.key != key || entry == null) {
                    "Couldn't find any element at this key "
                    + key);
            // if some values are present at that key &
            // traversing the list and removing all values
            while (entry != null) {
                if (entry.next == null) {
                    if (entry.prev == null) {
                        hashtable[hash_val] = null;
                        top[hash_val] = null;
                    else {
                        top[hash_val] = entry.prev;
                        top[hash_val].next = null;
                        entry = top[hash_val];
                entry = entry.next;
                "Element was successfully removed at the key "
                + key);
        // inserting method
        void add(int key, int value)
            // Applying hashFunc to find
            // index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            // if key has no value stored
            if (entry == null) {
                // creating new node
                entry = new hash_node();
                entry.val = value;
                entry.key = key;
                entry.next = null;
                entry.prev = null;
                hashtable[hash_val] = entry;
                top[hash_val] = entry;
            // if some values are present
            else {
                // traversing till the end of
                // the list
                while (entry != null)
                    entry = entry.next;
                // creating the new node
                entry = new hash_node();
                entry.val = value;
                entry.key = key;
                entry.next = null;
                entry.prev = top[hash_val];
                top[hash_val].next = entry;
                top[hash_val] = entry;
                "Value " + value
                + " was successfully added at key " + key);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        HashMap hash = new HashMap();
        hash.add(4, 5);
// This code is contributed by Lovely Jain


# Python implementation of Hashtable
# using doubly linked list
# declaration of node
class hash_node:
    def __init__(self, val, key):
        self.val = val
        self.key = key
        self.next = None
        self.prev = None
# hashmap's declaration
class HashMap:
    def __init__(self):
        # create an empty hashtable
        self.tablesize = 25
        self.hashtable = [None] * self.tablesize
        self.top = [None] * self.tablesize
    # hash function definition
    def HashFunc(self, key):
        return key % self.tablesize
    # searching method
    def find(self, key):
        # Applying hashFunc to find
        # index for given key
        hash_val = self.HashFunc(key)
        flag = False
        entry = self.hashtable[hash_val]
        # if hashtable at that index has some
        # values stored
        if entry is not None:
            while entry is not None:
                if entry.key == key:
                    flag = True
                if flag:
                    print("Element found at key", key, ":", entry.val)
                entry = entry.next
        if not flag:
            print("No Element found at key", key)
    # removing an element
    def remove(self, key):
        # Applying hashFunc to find
        # index for given key
        hash_val = self.HashFunc(key)
        entry = self.hashtable[hash_val]
        if entry is None or entry.key != key:
            print("Couldn't find any element at this key", key)
        # if some values are present at that key &
        # traversing the list and removing all values
        while entry is not None:
            if entry.next is None:
                if entry.prev is None:
                    self.hashtable[hash_val] = None
                    self.top[hash_val] = None
                    del entry
                    self.top[hash_val] = entry.prev
                    self.top[hash_val].next = None
                    del entry
                    entry = self.top[hash_val]
            entry = entry.next
        print("Element was successfully removed at the key", key)
    # inserting method
    def add(self, key, value):
        # Applying hashFunc to find
        # index for given key
        hash_val = self.HashFunc(key)
        entry = self.hashtable[hash_val]
        # if key has no value stored
        if entry is None:
            # creating new node
            entry = hash_node(value, key)
            self.hashtable[hash_val] = entry
            self.top[hash_val] = entry
        # if some values are present
            # traversing till the end of
            # the list
            while entry.next is not None:
                entry = entry.next
            # creating the new node
            new_entry = hash_node(value, key)
            new_entry.prev = entry
            entry.next = new_entry
            self.top[hash_val] = new_entry
        print("Value", value, "was successfully added at key", key)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    hash_map = HashMap()
    hash_map.add(4, 5)


// Java implementation of Hashtable using doubly linked list
class GFG {
    static final int tablesize = 25;
    // declaration of node
    static class hash_node {
        int val, key;
        hash_node next;
        hash_node prev;
    // hashmap's declaration
    static class HashMap {
        hash_node hashtable[], top[];
        // constructor
            // create a empty hashtable
            hashtable = new hash_node[tablesize];
            top = new hash_node[tablesize];
            for (int i = 0; i < tablesize; i++) {
                hashtable[i] = null;
                top[i] = null;
        // hash function definition
        int HashFunc(int key) { return key % tablesize; }
        // searching method
        void find(int key)
            // Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key); boolean flag = false;
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            // if hashtable at that index has some values stored
            if (entry != null) {
                while (entry != null) {
                    if (entry.key == key)  flag = true;
                    if (flag) {
                        System.out.println("Element found at key " + key+ ": " + entry.val);
                    entry = entry.next;
            if (!flag)
                System.out.println("No Element found at key " + key);
        // removing an element
        void remove(int key)
            // Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            if (entry.key != key || entry == null) {
                System.out.println("Couldn't find any element at this key "+ key);
            // if some values are present at that key & traversing the list and removing all values
            while (entry != null) {
                if (entry.next == null) {
                    if (entry.prev == null) {
                        hashtable[hash_val] = null;
                        top[hash_val] = null;
                    else {
                        top[hash_val] = entry.prev;
                        top[hash_val].next = null;
                        entry = top[hash_val];
                entry = entry.next;
                "Element was successfully removed at the key "
                + key);
        // inserting method
        void add(int key, int value)
            // Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
            int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
            hash_node entry = hashtable[hash_val];
            // if key has no value stored
            if (entry == null) {
                // creating new node
                entry = new hash_node();
                entry.val = value;
                entry.key = key;
                entry.next = null;
                entry.prev = null;
                hashtable[hash_val] = entry;
                top[hash_val] = entry;
            // if some values are present
            else {
                // traversing till the end of
                // the list
                while (entry != null)
                    entry = entry.next;
                // creating the new node
                entry = new hash_node();
                entry.val = value;
                entry.key = key;
                entry.next = null;
                entry.prev = top[hash_val];
                top[hash_val].next = entry;
                top[hash_val] = entry;
                "Value " + value
                + " was successfully added at key " + key);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        HashMap hash = new HashMap();
        hash.add(4, 5);
// This code is contributed by Lovely Jain


// JavaScript implementation of Hashtable using doubly linked list
const tablesize = 25;
// declaration of node
class hash_node {
constructor(key, val) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
this.next = null;
this.prev = null;
// hashmap's declaration
class HashMap {
constructor() {
// create a empty hashtable
this.hashtable = new Array(tablesize).fill(null);
this.top = new Array(tablesize).fill(null);
// hash function definition
HashFunc(key) {
return key % tablesize;
// searching method
find(key) {
// Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
const hash_val = this.HashFunc(key);
let flag = false;
let entry = this.hashtable[hash_val];
// if hashtable at that index has some values stored
if (entry !== null) {
  while (entry !== null) {
    if (entry.key === key) flag = true;
    if (flag) {
      console.log(`Element found at key ${key}: ${entry.val}`);
    entry = entry.next;
if (!flag) console.log(`No Element found at key ${key}`);
// removing an element
remove(key) {
// Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
const hash_val = this.HashFunc(key);
let entry = this.hashtable[hash_val];
if (entry.key !== key || entry === null) {
  console.log(`Couldn't find any element at this key ${key}`);
// if some values are present at that key & traversing the list and removing all values
while (entry !== null) {
  if (entry.next === null) {
    if (entry.prev === null) {
      this.hashtable[hash_val] = null;
      this.top[hash_val] = null;
    } else {
      this.top[hash_val] = entry.prev;
      this.top[hash_val].next = null;
      entry = this.top[hash_val];
  entry = entry.next;
console.log(`Element was successfully removed at the key ${key}`);
// inserting method
add(key, value) {
// Applying hashFunc to find index for given key
const hash_val = this.HashFunc(key);
let entry = this.hashtable[hash_val];
// if key has no value stored
if (entry === null) {
  // creating new node
  entry = new hash_node(key, value);
  this.hashtable[hash_val] = entry;
  this.top[hash_val] = entry;
// if some values are present
else {
  // traversing till the end of the list
  while (entry !== null) entry = entry.next;
  // creating the new node
  entry = new hash_node(key, value);
  entry.prev = this.top[hash_val];
  this.top[hash_val].next = entry;
  this.top[hash_val] = entry;
console.log(`Value ${value} was successfully added at key ${key}`);
// Driver Code
const hash = new HashMap();
hash.add(4, 5);


Value 5 was successfully added at key 4
Element found at key 4: 5
Element was successfully removed at the key 4