HCL Interview Experience for Frontend Developer

Pre-Interview Preparation:

After receiving an invitation for an interview for the Frontend Developer role at HCL, I dedicated time to review my resume, refresh my knowledge of frontend technologies, and practice coding problems commonly asked in frontend interviews. Additionally, I researched HCL’s projects and recent developments to align my understanding with their needs better.

The Interview Day:

I arrived early for the interview, ensuring my internet connection and video conferencing tools were working properly. The interview panel consisted of two frontend developers and an HR representative.

Round 1: Technical Interview

The technical interview began with introductions and a brief overview of my experience. The interviewers then delved into technical questions related to frontend development. They asked about my proficiency with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as any frameworks or libraries I had experience with, such as React or Angular.

I was presented with a coding problem related to DOM manipulation and event handling. The interviewers observed my approach to problem-solving, coding style, and attention to detail. They also inquired about my experience with responsive web design and cross-browser compatibility.

Round 2: Technical Interview – Project Discussion

In the second technical round, the interviewers asked me to discuss a frontend project from my portfolio in detail. I explained the project’s objectives, technologies used, and my role in its development. They asked probing questions about specific design decisions, performance optimizations, and challenges faced during implementation.

The interviewers were particularly interested in my experience with state management in frontend applications and asked about my familiarity with tools like Redux or Context API. They also inquired about my knowledge of CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS and how I organize and maintain CSS code for large-scale projects.

Round 3: Behavioral Interview

The behavioral interview focused on assessing my soft skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit with HCL. The interviewers asked about my experience working in teams, handling tight deadlines, and adapting to changing requirements. I provided examples from past projects that demonstrated my ability to collaborate effectively, communicate with stakeholders, and resolve conflicts.

Additionally, the interviewers asked about my passion for frontend development, my motivation for joining HCL, and my career aspirations. I highlighted my enthusiasm for creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces and my desire to contribute to innovative projects at HCL.

Round 4: HR Interview

In the final round, the HR manager discussed the terms of employment, including compensation, benefits, and work culture at HCL. They provided an overview of HCL’s values, mission, and career development opportunities. I had the chance to ask questions about the company culture, growth prospects, and opportunities for advancement within the organization.

Post-Interview Follow-Up:

After the interview, I sent thank-you emails to each member of the interview panel, expressing my gratitude for the opportunity to interview with HCL. I reiterated my interest in the Frontend Developer role and emphasized how my skills and experience aligned with the company’s needs.


The interview experience at HCL for the Frontend Developer role was challenging yet rewarding. The interviewers were knowledgeable and supportive, and the questions allowed me to showcase my technical skills, project experience, and passion for frontend development. I left the interview feeling confident about my performance and excited about the possibility of joining HCL’s team as a frontend developer.