Here Technologies Interview Experience for SDE-2 (3+ yrs of java backend experience)

Sharing my recent interview experience with HERE Technologies was an insightful journey. The process commenced with an initial call from HR to schedule an interview and discuss my Expected CTC (ECTC) since I was serving a notice period. Impressively, the interview was set up just a day later, and the entire process took a mere 5 days to conclude, comprising four rounds: three technical rounds and one HR round. I had applied for the position of SE II.

Here’s the structured overview of my interview experience with HERE Technologies, including the questions asked in each round:

1. Initial Contact and Scheduling:

  • Received a call from HR to schedule an interview and discuss Expected CTC.
  • The interview was scheduled promptly within a day, despite serving a notice period.

2. Interview Process Duration:

  • The entire interview process spanned just 5 days, showcasing efficiency.

3. Interview Rounds:

a. Round 1: Technical Assessment

  • Duration: 1st day
  • Content: Focused on listed skill sets, particularly Java proficiency.
  • Topics: Core Java, SQL, Spring Boot, Maven, Rest API, DSA.
  • Format: Combination of theory and coding questions.
  • Example Questions:

1. Explain the importance of Synchronized keywords in Java.

2. What is the difference between @Rest-controller and @Controller?

3. Implement a linked list from scratch and perform basic operations.

b. Round 2: In-depth Java Evaluation

  • Duration: 2nd day
  • Content: Further exploration of Java knowledge.
  • Topics Covered: HashMap internals, multithreading, REST API design, Docker, Spring Life Cycle
  • Format: Detailed discussions and coding questions.
  • Example Questions:

1. Explain the internal workings of HashMap. What if I don’t override equal() or hashcode()?

2. How do you design a REST API?

3. Move all negative numbers to the beginning and positive ones to the end without constant extra space.

c. Round 3: Technical Discussion with Engineering Manager

  • Duration: 3rd day
  • Content: Focus on project experience and depth of technical knowledge.
  • Topics Covered: Project details, technical expertise, behavioral questions.
  • Format: Friendly discussion assessing both technical and interpersonal skills.
  • Example Questions:

1. Explain the features you worked on in your projects.

2. How do you handle conflicts with your manager and colleagues?

3. What do you love most about your job?

d. Round 4: HR Round

  • Duration: 4th day
  • Content: Discussion on compensation, benefits, and company culture.
  • Format: Finalization of employment terms and alignment with company values.
  • Example Questions:

1. What are your salary expectations?

2. How do you envision your career growth within the company?

3. What attracted you to HERE Technologies?

4. Overall Experience:

– Found the interview process to be engaging and well-structured.

– Appreciated the efficient timeline and professionalism exhibited by HERE Technologies.

– Accepted the offer, impressed by the company’s reputation and numerous R&D opportunities.

5. Company Highlights:

– Recognized HERE Technologies as a leading location platform company with a strong focus on research and development.

– Identified the company as an appealing employer due to its innovative projects and industry prominence.

In summary, the interview process with HERE Technologies was conducted systematically, covering various technical and behavioral aspects, ultimately resulting in a positive experience and acceptance of the offer.