Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Interview Experience 2023

Round 1: Aptitude and Coding

The initial round is an online test conducted on the HirePro platform, comprising aptitude questions, technical multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and three coding questions of varying difficulty levels (easy, moderate, and difficult). Each aptitude and technical MCQ carries 1 mark, while the coding questions are assigned different marks based on their difficulty level. I have successfully solved two out of the three coding questions.

Round 2: Face-to-Face Technical Interview

Following the online test in the first round, the second round took place offline at college. The day began with a pre-placement talk in the morning.

During the second round, the interviewer started by asking me to introduce myself and then entered into a detailed discussion of the projects I had undertaken. Subsequently, he asked a series of technical questions focusing on object-oriented programming concepts:

  • Explain object-oriented programming.
  • What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
  • What is early binding and late binding in Java?
  • Explain data encapsulation with an example.
  • How is an abstract class different from an interface?
  • What does @override in Java indicate?

Round 3: Managerial Interview

During this round, the interviewer inquired about my database project and requested a detailed description of it. Subsequently, he asked me to enumerate the tables utilized in the project and tasked me with writing SQL queries to retrieve data from these tables. Additionally, the interviewer inquired about the latest technologies and which particular technology I was personally interested in exploring further.

Round 4: HR

In this round, HR inquired about my hobbies and asked if I would be open to relocation. Then she asked me why I wanted to join their company.