Hexaview Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

There were a total of 4 rounds. 3 in online mode and 1 in offline mode at the office. Registered students were shortlisted on the basis of their marks.

After the pre-placement talk in virtual mode, we had round 1

Round-1: Coding Round

It was conducted on an online platform- Coderbyte.

There were two questions, one easy and one medium.

  1. It was an easy one, I don’t remember the question but I have solved it on GFG before. It was solved simply by using the count function.
  2. Have the function “SearchingChallenge” (str) take the str parameter being passed and return the first word with the greatest number of repeated letters. For example: “Today, is the greatest day ever!” should return greatest because it has 2 e’s (and 2 t’s) and it comes before ever which also has 2 e’s. If there are no words with repeating letters return -1. Words will be separated by spaces.

Input: “Hello apple pie”
Output: Hello

Input: “No words”
Output: -1

The next day we got the results and 39 students out of 103 were shortlisted for the next round. The next round was conducted (PI) was conducted the next day after result.

Round-2: PI Round (1)


  • Introduce yourself
  • Which programming language you’re comfortable in? (I said Python. The following questions were then asked from Python only)
  • Then they asked me to share my screen and open compiler and asked me to code some basic programs. Then they asked me the approach that I’ve used in writing my code.

The question was-

  1. For a given string, reverse the order of vowels.
  2. Given a 2-D array where 0 represents water and 1 represents land, calculate the total number of islands (where an island is land surrounded by water, i.e., 1’s surrounded by 0’s.
  • Then they asked questions from Data Structures and Algorithms- Trees, Time complexities, pre-post, in-order traversal
  • Then from DBMS, basic questions about keys, normal forms, ACID properties, etc.
  • Then they asked questions from OOPS about class, object, abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation and their real life examples, types of inheritance and all those supported in Python

Round-3: PI Round (2)

After 15 minutes I was informed that I have cleared the round and I have my next PI round scheduled in 30 minutes. It was pretty similar to the previous PI round. Questions were:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell us about the projects you have worked on. (Technologies used, libraries used, etc)
  • Which language you’re comfortable in (I said Python, following questions were from Python then)

Then they asked me to open compiler and solve a question. The question was:
There are two arrays out of which one array is greater than other. I have to tell whether the elements in the smaller array are in the same order as in larger array. Then they asked me the approach and prohibited me to use any in-built functions.

Further they asked me the time complexity of the code I have written and how can I reduce it.

  • Questions from OOPS- Types of inheritance, access specifier, Decorators, real life example of abstraction and encapsulation.
  • Puzzle-
    Two identical ropes are given to you and each rope takes one hour to burn completely. How will you calculate 45 minutes?
  • DBMS- keys, where do you use where and having clause.

Then they asked me to write a query- A database is given which contains the orders given by customers. Write a query to fetch the total orders by each customer in descending order.

The next day I was informed that I have been shortlisted for next round which was to be held on next day in offline mode in Noida in their office.

Round-4: PI Round (3)

It was again similar to previous rounds. Questions:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Which language you’re comfortable in (I said Python, following questions were from Python then)
  • What are decorators? Give example
  • Can you implement the example you have given (I was having trouble implementing it, they allowed me to take help from google)
  • Some other questions from Python, DSA and OOPS were asked
  • Then they came on DBMS and asked me to implement a simple query.
  • Questions related to my project (libraries used, etc.)


  • 3 Bulbs and 3 Switches
    There is a room with a door (closed) and three light bulbs. Outside the room, there are three switches, connected to the bulbs. You may manipulate the switches as you wish, but once you open the door you can’t change them. Identify each switch with its bulb. All bulbs are in working condition.
    Solution: https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-7-3-bulbs-and-3-switches/
  • Mislabeled Jars
    There are 3 jars, namely, A, B, C. All of them are mislabeled. Following are the labels of each of the jars:A: CandiesB: SweetsC: Candies and Sweets (mixed in a random proportion)You can put your hand in a jar and pick only one eatable at a time. Tell the minimum number of eatable(s) that has/have to be picked in order to label the jars correctly.
    Solution: https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-mislabeled-jars/