Hexaview Technologies Interview Experience for MTS

Round 1: Coding Round

This was the Coding Round containing 2 questions 1 easy level and 1 medium level. The Round was conducted on the Coderbyte platform.

Question 1: Have the function Arraychallenge(arr) which will always contain only two positive integers, and return the greatest common factor of them

For Example : if arr is : [45,12] then your program should return 3. There will be two elements in the array and they will always be two elements in the array and they will be positive integers.

Input: [5,6]

Output : 1

Question 2: Searching challege(str) take the str parameter being passed and find the longest palindromic substring, which means the longest substring which is read the same forwards. For example if str is “abracecars” then your program should return the string racecar because it is the longest palindrome within the input string.

The input willl only contain lowercase alphabetic characters. The longest palindromic substring will always be unique, but if there is none that is longer than 2 characters, return string none.

Ex ; Input : “hellosannasmith”

Output : “sannas”

If you will be able to solve 1 question You get call for interview. After 2 days I got call for Interview.


Round 2: Technical Interview-1

Round 2 was a one-on-one interview conducted on Skype.

  • Quesion1: Tell me Something About Yourself
    • I described myself in brief, my educational background, skills, Interest, achievements, and strengths. 
      Tip: Keep your intro short and crisp
  • Question2: Explain Oops
    • I explained with proper definitions and real-world examples.
  • Question3: Polymorphism, encapsulation, Data hiding, Abstraction, Overloading, Overriding
  • He asked all the concepts of OOPs one by one which I was familiar with so I answered easily then he came to DSA.
    Tip: Try to tell the exact definition with an example that will go to imp
  • Question 4: Linked List and its types
    • I answered and explained the linked list with its types.
  • Question 5: What is Stack?
    • I answered.
  • Question 6: Queue and its types.
    • I answered and explained in detail.
  • Question 7: Explain Binary search trees
    • I explained.
  • DBMS Topics.
  • Question 8: What is Normalization Explain 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF
    • I explained all the normalization forms in detail with the conditions and how to check them.
  • Question 9: What is a partial dependency?
    • I answered with the condition of partial dependency.
  • Question 10: What is a transitive dependency?
    • I explained the condition of dependency.
  • Question 11: Join and its types.
    • I explain inner join, left join, right join, and full join with its properties.

Data Structures: This was the coding Question He asked me to open an online GDB editor and gave me question to write code while sharing the screen.

Question 12: Merge Two sorted arrays into third array without using any sorting algorithm.

Ex: arr1 = { 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 } , arr2 = { 4, 8, 9 }

then output array should be arr3 = { 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 }

Solution : https://www.w3wiki.net/merge-two-sorted-arrays/

Question 13: Reverse each word of string at its own place :

for Example : Input : ” hello world “

Output : ” olleh dlrow “

I covered both of the problems in a short time so the interviewer was impressed with me, Then he asked about the time complexity of each code. I explained.

SQL Problems:

  • 1. write a query to find the name which has at least three character
  • 2. He gave me two tables students and a course and ordered me to apply the primary key on the student table and the foreign key on the course table

Logical Problems:

1. You have one 7L bucket, one 4 L bucket, and an infinite amount of water. You have to measure 6L water by using these 2 buckets you can empty the bucket any number of times but can’t use a third container.

I didn’t get the logic so I honestly said… I don’t know

2. A man fell into a 30 m deep well, Daily he try to climb 4 m and fell down 3 m. How many days are required by men to come out of the well?

I got the logic of this problem, The answer is 27 days. and it was correct.

Conclusion: This was the easy round with normal concepts of OOPs, DBMS, and Data structure You can easily clear this round.

The next day I got a call for the next Interview Round.

Round 3: Technical Interview-3

This Round was also a one-on-one Interview conducted on Skype. This round was a bit tough than the 1st round. The level of questions was increased and the Interviewer asked a few advanced problems.

  • Question 1: Tell me something about yourself.
    • I gave a brief introduction about myself.
  • Question 2: What do you know about hex view technologies?
    • I replied and told him what I know about the company and in which domain it works
  • Tip: Before the Interview firstly visit the company website and get to know about their products(if any) and technologies.
  • Question 3: What is Abstraction in Object Oriented Programming and give a real-life example of it?
    • I answered so he asked me a few more important things about abstraction encapsulation and data hiding
  • Question 4: What is Anti- Abstraction and give real-life example of it?
    • I didn’t know the answer to this question so I honestly said I don’t have any idea
  • Question 5: Explain Normalization, Difference Between 2NF and 3NF.
    • I explained and answered the difference as well. Then he gave me a table and ordered me to normalize in 2NF, I was getting confused so he helped me a little bit. I was finally able to normalize the table.
  • Data Structure
  • Question 6: What is Binary Search Tree
    • I answered.
  • Question 7: Queues and their types.
    • I answered the queue and explained its types.
  • Question 8: Explain Graph.
  • he asked in detail, like which algorithms are used for generating a minimum spanning tree for the graph.
  • I answered all the questions quickly. then he gave me a query in SQL.
  • Question 9: Write a query for inner join
    • I easily wrote the query. Then he moved to Coding Problems.

Coding Questions :

Question 10: Find largest 6 digit prime number.

I got the logic after thinking little bit and the largest 6 digit prime number is 999983 so I printed easily this number

The logic is to start your loop with 10000000 in reverse order and check for the logic of prime number in each iteration , easily you will get the prime number.

Question 11: You have list of cities, names of cities are repeated in list give count and occurrence of each city. and find the city which occurred maximum number of times.

Firstly he asked me about approach and time complexity

I answered my approach and time complexity so he appreciated my approach. So he refused me to write code

the approach was to use Hashmap for getting count of each and every city then iterate over the map and find the maximum count then print the value of maximum count which is the name of city . This approach will find the maximum count in O(n) approach.

Question 12: Explain a brief description of the Project.

I briefly explained my project then he asked me a few questions about my project like which technology or algorithm i used for building it and how many modules are there in the project

  • Tip 1: Build a mid-level project with SQL database because they are preferred in the industry
  • Tip 2: clear your concepts about the whole project doesn’t matter what your role was.

Round 3: Technical + HR combined Round

This Round was conducted by a senior member of the company, He was very experienced and asked about a few advanced topics and coding questions. This Round was also a one-on-one Interview conducted on Skype.

Question 1: Tell me something about yourself.

I gave my brief introduction.

Question 2: Why do you want to join Hexaview Technologies?

Then he didn’t ask me any theory questions immediately he ordered me to open my IDE and gave a tough coding question.

Coding Question

Question 3: You have list of cities in which names of cities are repeated. now user will input a number and you have to print that maximum count of city.

For example if user has entered 2 then you have to print the city which occurred second maximum time, if the user input 3 then you have to give third maximum count of the city

For example : list = { “delhi” , “noida” , “delhi” , “bhopal”, “delhi” , “noida”, “gurgaon” }

n = 2

Then output should be noida because it has occurred second maximum time.

I used Hashmap for building the solution and firstly my program was giving only second maximum of the city then he explained me the example which i mentioned above then i used my approach to find nth maximum count and I build the solution easily

Try to cover advance topic like hashmap, unordered map , binary search tree and graph.

SQL problems:

First, he gave a table Student which contains the name of the student, subject, and marks of the student in that subject, there was a composite primary key name + subject. It means the student’s name can be repeated because one student can be enrolled in multiple subjects.

  • Find total marks from the table
    • I made it easily
  •  calculate the total marks of each student from all subjects and display them on the console
    • I used the aggregate function and group by clause and made it easily
  • Then he said to me to print the name of the student who failed in exams where passing marks should be 33%
    • I thought first then I wrote the query to get the name of the student who failed, firstly I calculated marks then percentage and then I printed the name where the percentage < 33.
  • Then he asked me a final question on this table which was very tough

the question was to find a topper in each and every subject, for example, if there are subjects like Hindi, English , or mathematics then we have to print the name of the topper in each subject

I was not able to write the query, so I said no I am not getting me but the interviewer was very amazing and polite so he motivated me to build the logic like don’t give up …… think more

Then I took 2-3 minutes to build the query and the answer was correct so he was impressed with me

  • Tip 1: Read advanced topics in SQL like aggregate functions, Group by, Order by, Having clause and foreign key, super key
  • Tip 2: Be confident and don’t give up easily.