Hexaware Interview Experience

 I got to know that Hexaware is starting there hiring from October 2020, I applied for that drive and there are total 4 rounds for selection.

  1. First-round is the Aptitude round where you will get 78 mins and questions are of basic level.
  2. The second is the technical interview round.
  3. The third is Communication Assessment which is on the mettle platform for 1 hour.
  4. HR interview.

Technical Interview: I got a mail from Hexaware that you cleared the Aptitude round and got the details of the technical interview round. it is scheduled for 12:30 PM but the Interviewer was let and as he comes he told me that feel to relax and let’s start the interview. Question asked by him are as follows:

  • Tell me Something About yourself.
  • Are you Aware of OOPs? What is the meaning of that?
  • What is abstraction?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • What is Encapsulation and What is the difference between Abstraction and Polymorphism?
  • What is inheritance and What are different types of inheritance in Java?

After these questions, He told me that open Notepad and asked me to write Down Code to reverse an array of integers, and he told me that you have to use Java, I am not that much aware of java as last time I did code in that language in the second year, but I am able to write code for it, and he asked me to compile it and it successfully compiled and run. He is happy with my performance and asked me are you willing to relocate?

On that same day, I got the mail that I have cleared the technical interview and has to give a communication test the next day.

Communication Assessment Test: Basically, this test, tests the pronunciation of your words, your vocabulary, and your grammar. This test consists of 1 hour and I think I didn’t perform well in this.

After six days they sent a mail, and I am unable to clear that round.

That’s all from this Interview, go with the basics of OOPs and revise your grammar because that is more important than Your Coding Ability.

Thanks for Reading