Hexaware Interview Experience For PGET (On-Campus) 2024

Hexaware visited our campus in the month of March 2024 and multiple rounds were;

Online Assessment :

It consisted of 3 tests and all tests were elimination rounds.

  • Test 1 – Aptitude test: The aptitude round was on a bit harder side as there was a time limitation (60 questions in 60 minutes) and the questions were also tricky and time-consuming. So you need to prepare well for this as accuracy and efficiency both are very important here. The test consisted of 20 ​quantitative aptitude questions, 20 logical reasoning questions and 20 verbal ability questions.
  • Test 2 – Technical Mcq: This round consisted of technical MCQs including questions on different technical subjects and fundamentals of computer science and also too many pseudocodes. ​There were 30 questions which were supposed to be solved in 30 minutes.
  • Test 3 – Coding Round: The coding round consisted of two problems, one easy and one medium and both were based on arrays. Both questions were supposed to be solved entirely to reach the next round.

Communication Test :

This round was hard and was done to check your communication skills which included listening, speaking, grammar, and pronunciation. Around 120 students were eliminated in this round, so you need to have good spoken English practice on random topics and also you must have good pronunciation.

Technical Interview :

After clearing the communication round, I got a call for the technical interview and it happened online on the superset platform. The interviewer asked the following questions :

  • Introduction
  • Project explanation with cross-questioning about the technology used and on algorithm used.
  • Questions on OOPS like explaining polymorphism and inheritance with code examples. The diamond problem in jaJavaCompile time vs Runtime polymorphism.
  • Easy coding questions: Fibonacci series using recursion ​and Armstrong number.
  • SQL queries: One using Inner join and another Nth highest salary.
  • Types of operating systems, Linux, windows​, linux commands
  • Real-life applications of different data structures, explanation of stack vs queue​. Graph data structure with applications.​

EC Interview :

This was a mixture of technical and HR questions, more on the behavioural and situational side. LiIfou’re having a conflict of ideas with your manager, how will you handle such a situation? And some more HR questions

HR interview :

Consisted of the following questions:

  • Strength and weakness
  • Long term goals
  • Hobbies
  • Who is your role model?

Situation: If you’re hired and allowed a team, but ​your team members are not available for hand holding but they expect your contribution to the project, how will you handle such a situation?

  • Are you comfortable with relocation?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

After all these rounds, around 15 days later our college sent the list of selected students for the PGET role in Hexaware and I was one of them.

My advice for you all would be, to ay consistent with your coding, practice aptitude with time limitations, and prove your communication skills and also your technical knowledge.