HeyCoach Interview Experience For CP-Intern (Off-Campus)

I am currently pursuing B.tech in Information Technology and just completed my pre-final year. Searching for a summer internship, I applied for the CP-Intern at HeyCoach (off-campus).

On 3rd May, 2024; I got a call from the recruiter of HeyCoach, she asked if it was the right time to talk. I replied yes it is. Then, she asked for a brief introduction and about my tech stack. Afterwards, she provided information about the company and the tools I will be working on. Additionally, She told me that I had to contribute 2 hours daily and asked if I was okay with it. I replied with a yes and asked if the hours were flexible. She responded affirmatively. She then sent an assignment to my e-mail and asked me that I had to revert within 2 hours.

About the assignment:

You have an mxn grid containing 0s and 1s. This is a maze where 1 represents a block of wall and 0 is space. You have a robot at a given position in the grid. The robot can move in all 4 directions. We want the robot to come out of the maze from a fixed exit position in the grid.

  1. Given the grid, the starting position of the robot and the exit position as inputs, write a program to check if a path exists to move from the starting position to the exit position.
  2. Explain multiple approaches and write code for any one of them. Explain time and space complexities well.
  3. Create a new problem which is a modification of this question and explain the expected solution in a few lines.

I submitted the assignment within an hour.


On 5th May, 2024 at 12:05 pm; I got a call from the same person and she told me that I was selected and the interview was scheduled from 6:35 pm on the same day. She wished me luck and asked me to prepare well everything that was on my resume for the interview.

(I started revising everything from DSA to my projects, CS fundamentals to NLP, EVERYTHING!! Invested the 6-hours I got to prepare for the interview)

At 6:20 pm, I again got a reminder call that the interview was going to start in 15 mins.

At 6:32 pm, I joined the G-meet and waited for the interviewer to join as well. But, At 6:35 pm the same lady joined and said that the interviewer was busy in a meeting and asked me to have patience. After waiting for 17 minutes straight, the interviewer joined the meeting. He then asked me for a brief intro and said “We will directly start with the coding part. With BFS and DFS and then give some practical use cases”. I then shared my screen and started coding BFS first. Meanwhile, the interviewer says, “You can stop coding, Thank you!” and BOOM!! My interview was over at 6:57 pm! Within 10 minutes.

On 8th May, I again received a call from the recruiter. She congratulated me that I had cleared the round and told me that from 4:20 pm she has arranged a cultural round with the manager. In the cultural round, I was asked basic questions. They were:

  • Give me a brief intro about yourself.
  • Tell me about your techstack and projects.
  • Why do you want to join the company?
  • What are your expectations from the company?
  • Have you ever taught or guided anyone? If yes. how and whom?
  • If you are given with a lot of queries at the same time, how will you address them? What would be your approach? (Then, I asked him to create a scenerio for the above situation)
  • For example, You are teaching on a platform and a lot of students are asking their questions, their chat gets scrolled very quicky. How will you address all of their doubts?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

On the same day, At around 8:00 pm the result was out and I was selected!!