Hike Education Interview Experience for Business Development Management

In a world grappling with unemployment rates, the lines between technical and managerial roles are increasingly blurred. It’s a reality that many of us face, where pursuing a technical course like B.Tech sometimes leads us down unexpected career paths. I vividly recall my interview for the Business Development Management (BDM) position at Hike Education Company, where I was asked the question: “Why are you venturing into the management line while pursuing a technical course?”

As I entered the room, my heart raced with anticipation. The interviewer began with the basics, seeking my name and a brief introduction. Then came the classic question about strengths and weaknesses. I openly shared my strengths, but for my weaknesses, I reframed them as areas for personal growth, a response that seemed to resonate positively with the interviewer.

Then came the pivotal question – “You’re from a B.Tech background; why do you want to join our company?” I took a deep breath and replied, “Sir, I am currently preparing for the CAT exam with the ambition of pursuing an MBA in the future. I believe that this job opportunity at your esteemed company aligns perfectly with my aspirations. It requires a blend of communication and management skills, which I am keen to develop. Joining your company would not only equip me with these skills but also contribute to my future endeavors.”

The interviewer nodded in agreement, and that was the moment I realized the importance of having a clear vision and a well-thought-out response.

Beyond the interview room, I’ve come to understand that adaptability is the key to today’s dynamic job market. Sitting idle in unemployment is not an option when there are opportunities to gain valuable experiences and broaden one’s horizons. Every job, regardless of its field, offers unique benefits. It’s about embracing those challenges and opportunities, turning them into stepping stones for personal and professional growth.

Experience, after all, is a priceless teacher. It exposes us to diverse situations, people, and ideas, expanding our thought processes and knowledge base. It helps us build connections with individuals from varied backgrounds, enriching our understanding of the world. So, while I may have embarked on my B.Tech journey, I’ve learned that being prepared for all kinds of jobs opens doors to new perspectives and unanticipated possibilities.

Moreover, if an MBA is on the horizon, a stint in the field of business management is invaluable. It not only boosts one’s confidence but also hones communication skills – essential attributes for leadership roles and success in the competitive business world.

During the interview, I was also asked about my family and our background. I proudly shared that we are a close-knit nuclear family of four, residing in a rented apartment. Our middle-class roots have instilled in me a strong work ethic and determination to uplift my family’s circumstances. When asked what I would do for my parents after securing the job, my answer was simple yet profound – I aim to provide them with a life of comfort, fulfilling their dreams as they have selflessly supported mine.

In retrospect, that interview was more than just a gateway to a potential job; it was a reflection of my journey from a technical background to the world of business management. It highlighted the importance of adaptability, the value of experience, and the significance of clear aspirations. The experience transformed my perspective, making me appreciate the interwoven nature of diverse career paths in today’s ever-evolving job market.

But the interview didn’t end there. The interviewer probed further, asking about my concerns regarding the company. I hesitated momentarily, as I wondered how to articulate my concerns effectively. Then, I voiced my worry about being hesitant to approach customers or discuss certain products. The response I received was reassuring. The interviewer explained that such concerns are common among freshers and emphasized the company’s commitment to addressing them. They have well-established techniques and comprehensive training programs designed to help new employees overcome such challenges. He even expressed gratitude for my candid inquiry, noting that curiosity and a commitment to understanding one’s role are valued qualities in prospective employees.

Another question that arose during the interview was about how my technical skills would benefit the company. I seized this opportunity to highlight the synergies between my technical background and the role of a Business Development Manager. I emphasized that my analytical mindset, problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail, honed through my B.Tech coursework, would be invaluable in understanding and promoting the company’s products and services effectively.

In conclusion, our career choices should not be confined by the labels of our educational backgrounds. Instead, we should seize opportunities that align with our goals and aspirations, recognizing that the skills and experiences gained will ultimately enrich our lives. So, embrace change, cultivate adaptability, and dare to explore the uncharted territories of your career path – you might just find your true calling where you least expect it.