How do you Check Functional Dependency Validity?

Answer: To validate functional dependency ensure a clear relationship, check for redundancy, and analyze data consistency using closure and transitivity.

Understanding FD Concept

Functional Dependency (FD) denotes that the value of one attribute determines another in a database.

Ensuring Data Redundancy-Free

Prioritize a redundancy-free dataset before establishing functional dependencies to maintain accuracy.

Defining Relationship (A → B)

Clearly define the relationship, representing it as A → B when the value of A uniquely determines B.

Checking for Violations

Scrutinize data instances for scenarios where the determining attribute (A) has multiple values for the determined attribute (B), potentially violating the functional dependency.

Evaluating Transitivity

Confirm the transitive property, ensuring that if A → B and B → C, then A → C holds true.

Using Closure for Validation

Apply closure to verify the validity of the functional dependency, with the closure of A including B.

Analyzing Data Changes

Monitor dataset changes, identifying inconsistencies between determining and determined attributes that may indicate a functional dependency violation.

Testing with Sample Data

Validate the functional dependency using sample data, ensuring consistent adherence for reliable representation of attribute relationships in the database.