How do you use “hoard” and “horde”?

Answer: “Hoard” refers to accumulating and storing while “horde” is a large, disorderly group of people or things.

The usage of “hoard” and “horde” differs in terms of their meanings and contexts:

  1. Hoard:
    • Meaning: “Hoard” is a noun or verb that refers to the act of accumulating and storing a large quantity of something, often valuable items.
    • Example (noun): “He discovered a hidden hoard of ancient coins in the attic.”
    • Example (verb): “She tends to hoard old books and manuscripts.”
  2. Horde:
    • Meaning: “Horde” is a noun describing a large, unruly group or crowd of people, animals, or things.
    • Example: “A horde of tourists descended upon the popular attraction.”

In summary, “hoard” relates to the accumulation or storage of objects, while “horde” refers to a large, often disorderly group of people or things. Understanding their distinct meanings helps in using the correct term based on the context of the sentence.