How does the Instagram Algorithm Work in 2024?

We often find ourselves scrolling endlessly through your Instagram page. Instagram has made it a mission to engage us with the most relevant content. It enhances the user experience with the posts you’re likely to engage with. Understanding how the Instagram algorithm works will help you develop a strategy. You can improve your visibility and grow your following on the platform with this.

But with Instagram making changes and evolving its algorithm, it can be difficult to keep track. So exactly How the 2024 Instagram Algorithm Works: Reels, Pages, Posts, and Stories. Let’s take a closer look.

Table of Content

  • What Is the Instagram Algorithm?
  • How does Instagram Ranks Feed Posts and Stories?
  • How does the Instagram Explore Page Algorithm Works?
  • How Does Instagram Rank Reels?
  • What Instagram Avoids Recommending?
  • Tips to Make the 2024 Instagram Algorithm Works for You

What Is the Instagram Algorithm?

The Instagram algorithm is a set of processes. It considers various factors for the visibility of your content. It considers factors like:

  • User history
  • Profile
  • Location
  • Device you are using
  • Trends
  • Relevance of the content
  • Popularity

Algorithms decide who sees the content you post and who doesn’t. These algorithms keep evolving with time. In the future, the current marketing tactics may fail or lose their effectiveness. As the algorithm changes, so should your strategy for every platform.

On Instagram, just posting regularly with the right hashtags doesn’t guarantee visibility. Your new content may not always reach the intended audience. You’ll need to keep up with new Instagram algorithm updates. Adapt the way you work to boost your Instagram marketing.

How does Instagram Ranks Feed Posts and Stories?

The new algorithm decides the order of posts. It arranges the best posts based on specific criteria. The most relevant posts are displayed at the top of the feed. It gets the greatest visibility, whereas other content is placed lower.

Although the algorithm is always subject to change, three main ranking factors can guide your Instagram strategy:

1. Engaging With The User

If a user has interacted with a lot of your past content on Instagram, they will be more likely to see your future photos and videos. Continuous and repeated engagement on your profile is important to retain your audience.

2. Interest Shown By The User

It is also based on each user’s interaction with similar posts and accounts on Instagram. Users who respond to similar content like yours are more likely to see your posts.

3. Relevance of The Profile

When you post content on Instagram, the algorithm assigns it a relevance score. It influences how it appears in users’ feeds. Instagram also shared some more general considerations you should take into account:

  • If users interact with your account a lot, you have more competition for the top spot in their feed.
  • If users don’t spend a long time on Instagram or don’t open the app often, they have little chance of seeing your content if you’re not in one of the top spots.
  • Business and creator accounts are not necessarily at a disadvantage in terms of organic reach compared to personal accounts.

Most of the content you see on your feed and in your stories is the latest posts from the people you follow. It’s the Instagram algorithm that customizes the order in which you see these posts and stories. Here are the most important criteria it takes into account:

4. Basic Information About the Post or Story

The number of likes received, the time of publication, and the indication of the location data about the account that made the post. For example, how many people have interacted with this account over the past few weeks (how popular this account is) The algorithm uses this information to assess how likely you are to be interested in the content offered by this account.

5. Your Activity

The algorithm records the number of posts you have liked, shared, and saved. It then uses this information to decide whether any posts might be of interest to you.

6. Your Interaction History With This Specific Account

How much time you spent on their posts and how often you left comments, liked or saved posts, or visited the profile page Instagram aggregates all of this data to identify what type of content should be featured on each user’s feed.

Since March 2022, two new features also allow you to view your feed as you wish:

  • Follows: It places posts from accounts you follow in chronological order on your feed.
  • Favorites: It places posts from the accounts you interact with the most at the top of your main feed. You can also view them in chronological order.

However, the Instagram algorithm continues to personalize your main feed according to the criteria explained above, and recommendations will retain a prominent place in 2023.

How does the Instagram Explore Page Algorithm Works?

Instagram’s explore page algorithm is designed to help users discover new things. Using the same signals as for feeds and stories, it organizes and ranks engaging content for each user. The Explore algorithm pays particular attention to likes, saves, and shares.

To appear on a user’s explore page, use strategic hashtags and follow recent trends. Cover current or trending topics to get your posts ranked higher on users’ explore pages.

How Does Instagram Rank Reels?

Similar to the Explore page, users typically see reels from accounts they don’t follow. Instagram uses the same analysis as Explore. It also focuses on what will entertain a given user. Instagram primarily seeks to predict whether a user will watch a video until the end.

To improve the visibility of your reels, share them in your feed first and include hashtags and locations. Also, try to interact with reels that will appeal to your target audience. Reels are specifically designed for users to discover you. It is therefore interesting to implement a strategy to optimize your reels as soon as possible.

What Instagram Avoids Recommending?

  1. Content Violation: If a user’s content violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines, that content will be removed. If this happens again, Instagram deactivates that user’s account.
  2. False information for engagement: If a post is considered to contain false information, Instagram flags it. It then reduces the visibility of the post in the feed and stories.
  3. If a user posts false information multiple times, Instagram can make their content much harder to find.

Tips to Make the 2024 Instagram Algorithm Works for You

Focus on engagement and not just the visibility of your content. The loyalty and engagement of your followers are more important. especially because they can earn you one of the top spots in their feed.

Here are some tips for driving engagement with your content:

1. Post User-Generated Content to Your Stories

User-generated content is content posted by your followers that talks about your brand. Reposting it can not only inspire more users to talk about you but also encourage users whose content you share to tag you in their stories. This further improves your visibility on Instagram.

2. Share Reels

Instagram Reels are short, entertaining videos that your business can post on Instagram. You can record clips with sound, effects, and different creative tools to entertain viewers and grow your Instagram. Reels are shared on your feed and can appear on the Explore page to reach more people. Users can also discover reels in a dedicated section of the Instagram app.

3. Comment on Posts From Relevant Brands and Users

You can also communicate with users on their posts to build relationships outside of your own content. Leave personal comments on content from potential customers, relevant influencers, and matching brands.

Comment on large accounts with many followers to obtain more visibility. You can hope to gain more Instagram subscribers on your profile. Identify the users your target audience is likely to follow, follow those accounts, and start the conversation.

Be sincere and seek to add something to your comments. Don’t try to make a sales pitch, and don’t leave generic comments. For example, if the post invites you to consult the link in the bio presenting a new product, take the time to click on the link in the Instagram profile and discover the product before leaving a comment. Show off your brand personality and engage meaningfully.

4. Post When Your Followers are Most Active

Since the timing of publication remains a determining factor in the visibility of your content in your subscribers’ feed, use it to your advantage. Getting significant engagement from the moment the post is published is a plus, which will tell Instagram that this is content that your followers want to see.

To maximize the potential of each post, try to upload your content at times when your target audience is most active. Finding the best times can take a little time, but you can start by checking your Instagram stats report, available for all business Instagram profiles in the mobile app.

From your stats, go to the Total Followers section, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see the graph showing when your followers are online. You can view this information by day of the week or by time for specific days. Test specific posting times to decide the best time to post. Posting just before a busy period may work better for your account, or you may find that it’s better to post just after the period begins.

5. Respond to Comments Promptly

Have you noticed that many business profiles respond to as many comments as possible on Instagram? This creates social proof for your content, increasing your comment count while encouraging further responses. But it also increases your chances of improving engagement on your post when it’s at its full potential.

Replying to a comment can also encourage the person who commented to respond in turn, even if it’s just with a simple thank you. In some cases, this can also start a real conversation and thus create significant engagement, which will improve the reach of this publication as well as subsequent ones.

6. Use Hashtags to Reach Active Users

Instagram hashtags increase your visibility by allowing you to appear in relevant searches. For this tactic to be effective, however, you need to choose hashtags that your target audience actually uses to discover content and other users.

Community-specific hashtags are particularly active. These niche hashtags may not have as many posts as the most popular hashtags, but they are already being circulated and searched by groups on Instagram looking to connect with other people interested in a topic, a movement, or a community.

This is where you’ll get views, which can lead to clicks to your profile, more engagement, and potential new followers. These hashtags vary by industry, but you can usually spot them pretty easily. They perfectly describe your ideal customer, and they are regularly updated with new messages under the same theme.

However, don’t simply add hashtags to the Instagram captions of your own posts. Click on the hashtag of your choice, then like or comment on the posts that use it. A simple like on someone’s post could result in a profile view or even a new follower. Again, even if your posts don’t reach your target audience, you can go after those users yourself.

7. Republish Your Old Content in Stories

If you’re having trouble coming up with post ideas on Instagram or want to make sure specific content gets seen as much as possible, you can repurpose past posts, especially as your audience grows.

This brings your best content to the top of your feed, showing it to people who may have missed it the first time. While some will simply delete a post and then reshare it the same way they have in the past, the ideal here is to revamp your content.

This can be a huge time saver, but don’t overdo it, and remember to clean up your feed to remove repeated content. Users can still scroll through your gallery. They don’t have to see the same photo appear repeatedly.

8. Encourage Engagement in Your Stories

Instagram Stories attract a lot of attention because they aren’t subject to the same algorithm as your feed posts. They’re also a great way to speak to your followers and build loyalty, which translates into more engagement on your other Instagram posts and, therefore, greater visibility.

You can use them in several ways:

  • Add a sticker with your branded hashtag: When users tap the “hashtag” sticker, they are redirected to a feed of static messages using that hashtag, whether they are your posts or those of customers. Also, add a location for your content to appear in local searches.
  • Share other users’ stories: Instagram not only allows you to be notified when someone shares a story that mentions you, but also to share that person’s story directly to yours. You can even encourage your followers to share one of your posts in their stories.
  • Encourage engagement with interactive stickers. Try the poll sticker, emoji slider, or question sticker. The latter allows you to ask users questions, then publish their answers in other stories. This provides even more content for your users to interact with.


If you want to get the most out of Instagram, just focusing on posting content regularly isn’t enough. It’s essential that you also focus on overall customer relationship development and high-quality content while engaging Instagram users both on and off your posts.

The Instagram algorithm will continue to evolve. Keep up with the changes, and you’ll find surprising new ways to reach your target audience.

How does the Instagram Algorithm Work in 2024? – FAQs

1. Are hashtags still important for visibility on Instagram in 2024?


Yes, hashtags will continue to be relevant even in 2024. It helps Instagram categorize content for users interested in specific topics.

2. Is recency still a factor in the Instagram algorithm?


No, Instagram’s algorithm doesn’t strictly follow recency as a metric. You may not always see recently posted content first over others.

3. Does the algorithm consider the authenticity of the content?


Yes. Authenticity is a key factor. Instagram aims to prioritize genuine and high-quality content.