How does Machine Learning Works?

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that uses datasets to gain insights from it and predict future values. It uses a systematic approach to achieve its goal going through various steps such as data collection, preprocessing, modeling, training, tuning, evaluation, visualization, and model deployment. This technique is widely used in various domains such as finance, health, marketing, education, etc.

In this article, we will learn about Machine learning, its key concept, data handling, and the ethical significance involved in data handling in detail.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence(AI) that uses different algorithms and models to understand the vast data given to us, recognize patterns in it, and then make informed decisions. It is widely used in many industries, businesses, educational and medical research fields. This field has evolved significantly over the past few years, from basic statistics and computational theory to the advanced region of neural networks and deep learning. Nowadays it is widely used in various domains to predict future data.

The history of Machine Learning can be traced back to the 1950s when the first scientific paper was presented on the mathematical model of neural networks. It advanced and became popular in the 20th and 21st centuries because of the availability of more complex and large datasets and potential approaches of natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. Machine Learning is widely used in many fields due to its ability to understand and discern patterns in complex data.

For example, it is used in the healthcare sector to diagnose disease based on past data of patients recognizing the symptoms. It is also used for stocking or to avoid overstocking by understanding the past retail dataset. It is also used in the finance sector to minimize fraud and risk assessment. This field is also helpful in targeted advertising and prediction of customer churn. It has vast potential and can be used for building stable businesses.

Key Concepts of Machine Learning

Machine Learning can be divided into four parts: Supervised, Semi-supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning. We can discuss these in detail:

  1. Supervised Learning: This type of learning uses labeled data that has corresponding output values for input data. The model learns the relationship to improve accuracy in predictions.
  2. Unsupervised Learning: This type of learning uses unlabeled data where the model has to find groups, patterns, and hierarchy without any guidance to predict unseen data.
  3. Semi-supervised learning: is a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning, where the model is trained on a dataset that contains both labeled and unlabeled examples.
  4. Reinforcement Learning: Learning is entirely based on the trial and error method where we involve an agent to interact with the environment. For example, We make AI play a game and due to repeated trials, it learns what moves will help it win to improve the working and success rate.

Machine learning uses several key concepts like algorithms, models, training, testing, etc. We will understand these in detail with the help of an example of predicting house prices based on certain input variables like number of rooms, square foot area, etc.

  • Algorithms: Algorithms are step-by-step procedures that are used to perform tasks. In machine learning, these algorithms are used to learn patterns and relationships to make informed predictions.
  • Models: Models are the mathematical construct that stores and works on the knowledge that is derived from the dataset. These models help us in predicting unseen data. For example, we can use a linear regression model to understand the relationship between rooms, and areas to predict housing prices.
  • Training: Training is a process in which these models tune their parameters so that the difference between the actual price and the predicted price is less.
  • Testing: After Training the model, the dataset is tested separately to assess the performance of the model. We calculate R squared or mean squared error to calculate the performance and minimize the difference between the actual price and the predicted price.

How does Machine Learning Works?

Machine learning uses a systematic approach to predict new values. Each step is important and cannot be skipped to achieve high accuracy. Code Implementation follows the below-mentioned steps:

  • Data collection
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Model Training
  • Model Evaluation
  • Model Deployment
  1. Data Collection: Data collection is an important part as discussed above. The quality of data determines the accuracy of the predictions. We can collect datasets from APIs, websites, social media, etc. We can also use in-built datasets that are provided in the programming languages for learning purposes. Ethical use of data should be kept in mind. We must uphold fairness and privacy while using these datasets to achieve our goal.
  2. Data Preprocessing: Before feeding this data into modeling we pre-process this data to remove duplicate and missing values, deal with outliers, and standardize the formats is done in this step. This enhances the quality of the dataset and improves accuracy by dealing with the possible error sources before modeling.
  3. Model Training: After we get the dataset we use an algorithm based on our problem to model our dataset. We usually divide our dataset into two parts: training and testing sets. Various models are used, for example, linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, etc. Hyperparameter training is also done to improve accuracy. Techniques like grid search and random search are used for tuning the parameter.
  4. Model Evaluation: This is a crucial step in determining whether our model is working accurately or not. Metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC guide the assessment of model performance. Cross-validation techniques like k-fold and leave-one-out help us in determining the efficiency of the model. These values are the determinants of the accuracy.
  5. Model Deployment: Deployment of these steps into real-world problems is done in this step. It is a process of integrating the trained model into real-world issues to solve them. This is the practical use of the model building and training.

Other than these steps we also visualize our predictions as well as accuracy to get a better understanding of our model. For example, we can plot feature importance plots to understand which particular feature plays the most important role in altering the predictions. This helps in feature selection and engineering.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Machine Learning

Responsible use of machine learning models and the datasets involved in it is a crucial part. Various challenges are faced while building a model and deploying it:

  • Privacy Concerns: The dataset that we use for model building should be dealt with responsibly ensuring privacy.
  • Bias in Data and Algorithms: The algorithm and building the model shouldn’t be biased to ensure a fair outcome. This can be dealt with by fairly evaluating and studying the model. We must use a sample that fairly represents the population.
  • Interpretability and Transparency: We should make sure the code that we are producing is transparent and understandable. This helps in understanding the predictions.
  • Societal Impact: The use of machine learning can have both positive and negative impacts on society and we need to deal with the fair use of it. It can cause job displacement and privacy concerns for the users leading to mistrust and fraud. Whereas it also helps in the advancement of various domains.

These challenges can be dealt with by careful handling of data, and considering the diverse data to minimize bias. Incorporate privacy-preserving techniques such as data anonymization, encryption, and differential privacy to ensure the safety and privacy of the users.


While Machine Learning helps in various fields and eases the work of the analysts it should also be dealt with responsibilities and care. In this article, we learned about machine learning and data. We also understood the steps involved in building and modeling the algorithms and using them in the real world. We also understood the challenges faced in dealing with the machine learning models and ethical practices that should be observed in the work field.