How does Redux Saga Differ from Redux Thunk ?

In Redux, middleware plays a crucial role in managing asynchronous actions. Redux Saga and Redux Thunk are two popular middleware libraries used for handling side effects in Redux applications. While both serve similar purposes, they differ significantly in their approach and capabilities. In this article, we’ll see the differences between Redux Saga and Redux Thunk, covering their implementation,

Redux Thunk

Redux Thunk is one of the earliest middleware libraries developed for Redux to handle asynchronous actions. It is a straightforward and lightweight solution that extends Redux’s capabilities without introducing significant complexity. Here are some characteristics and use cases:

  • Handling Asynchronous Logic: It simplifies handling asynchronous operations such as API calls or timeouts within action creators. You can dispatch multiple actions from a single action creator, including loading, success, and failure states.
  • Ease of Use: Redux Thunk is relatively easy to understand and implement, making it suitable for beginners and projects with simpler asynchronous requirements.
  • Example Use Case: Suppose you need to fetch data from an API when a specific action is dispatched. With Redux Thunk, you can define an action creator that dispatches actions for loading, success, and failure states while fetching data asynchronously.

Characteristics Redux Thunk

  • Asynchronous Logic Handling: Redux Thunk simplifies managing asynchronous operations within Redux action creators, enabling dispatching multiple actions from a single action creator for tasks like API calls or timeouts.
  • Lightweight and Simple: It’s a lightweight middleware solution for Redux, suitable for beginners and projects with simpler asynchronous requirements. Its straightforward implementation makes it easy to understand and use.
  • Direct Dispatch: Redux Thunk directly allows action creators to return functions instead of plain action objects, providing flexibility in handling asynchronous tasks while keeping actions and reducers pure.
  • Compatibility: Redux Thunk seamlessly integrates with existing Redux codebases, as it’s a simple middleware that extends Redux’s capabilities without introducing significant complexity or breaking changes.


// Action creator using Redux Thunk
const fetchData = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_DATA_REQUEST' }); // Dispatch loading action
// Simulating an API call with setTimeout
setTimeout(() => {
const data = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']; // Simulated data
dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS', payload: data }); // Dispatch success action
}, 2000); // Simulating 2 seconds delay

Explanation: In this example, fetchData is an action creator that returns a function instead of a plain action object. Inside the returned function, we dispatch a loading action immediately (FETCH_DATA_REQUEST). Then, we simulate an asynchronous operation (e.g., API call) using setTimeout, and once it’s done, we dispatch a success action (FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS) with some data.

Redux Saga

Redux Saga is a middleware library for Redux that focuses on handling side effects, such as asynchronous operations and complex application flows, in a more structured and scalable way. It utilizes ES6 generators to make asynchronous code easier to read, write, and test.

  • Example Use Case: Imagine you have a complex application flow where you need to orchestrate multiple asynchronous actions, such as making API calls, dispatching different actions based on the results, and handling race conditions. Redux Saga allows you to define sagas, which are functions that describe these complex flows in a declarative and synchronous style.
  • Ease of Use: While Redux Saga may have a steeper learning curve compared to Redux Thunk, it provides more control and structure for handling asynchronous logic in larger and more complex applications. Once you understand the concepts of sagas and generators, it becomes a powerful tool for managing side effects.
  • Scalability and Testability: Redux Saga promotes better separation of concerns by moving side effect logic out of your components and into sagas. This separation makes your codebase more modular, easier to maintain, and simplifies testing since sagas are just functions that can be easily unit tested.

Characteristics Redux Saga

  • Declarative: Redux Saga facilitates writing code in a clear, declarative manner, enhancing readability and maintainability.
  • Generators: It employs ES6 generator functions to manage asynchronous flows, allowing for efficient handling of asynchronous operations by pausing and resuming execution.
  • Sagas: Redux Saga introduces the concept of Sagas, which are long-lived processes running in the background, triggered by specific actions to perform tasks like API calls or dispatching other actions.
  • Effect Creators: Redux Saga offers built-in effect creators such as takeEvery, takeLatest, put, call, and fork to manage common side effects, enabling concise expression of application flow.
  • Middleware Integration: As middleware, Redux Saga easily integrates with Redux using applyMiddleware, providing seamless integration into Redux-based applications.


import { takeEvery, put, delay } from 'redux-saga/effects';

// Saga to handle fetching data
function* fetchDataSaga() {
yield takeEvery('FETCH_DATA_REQUEST', function* () {
yield put({ type: 'FETCH_DATA_REQUEST' }); // Dispatch loading action
yield delay(2000); // Simulate 2 seconds delay
const data = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']; // Simulated data
yield put({ type: 'FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS', payload: data }); // Dispatch success action

Explanation: In this example, fetchDataSaga is a saga responsible for watching for 'FETCH_DATA_REQUEST' actions using takeEvery. When this action occurs, it dispatches a loading action (FETCH_DATA_REQUEST), simulates a delay of 2 seconds using delay, then dispatches a success action (FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS) with some data.

Difference between Redux Saga and Redux Thunk


Redux Thunk

Redux Saga

Complexity of Asynchronous Logic

Suitable for simple asynchronous operations such as API calls.

Ideal for managing complex asynchronous scenarios involving concurrency, race conditions, or long-lived processes.

Learning Curve

Easy to grasp for developers familiar with Redux.

Steeper learning curve due to generator functions and a different programming paradigm.

Project Requirements

Suitable for small to medium-sized applications.

Better support for larger and more complex codebases.


Limited capabilities for handling complex scenarios.

Advanced capabilities including concurrency control, task cancellation, and retrying failed operations.


Thunks can be tested with simple unit tests.

Sagas can be easily tested due to their purely functional nature.


Minimal boilerplate code required.

May require writing additional boilerplate compared to Redux Thunk.

Community Support

Established and widely used in the Redux ecosystem.

Well-supported with a growing community, though less ubiquitous than Redux Thunk.


Generally, performs well for simple use cases.

Performance can degrade with complex sagas but offers more control over side effects.