How far is the moon from Earth?

Answer: On average, the Moon is approximately 238,855 miles (384,400 kilometers) away from Earth.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon varies as both celestial bodies follow elliptical orbits. The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is 238,855 miles. This measurement is known as the “mean distance” or “semi-major axis”.

The Moon’s orbit is not a perfect circle, so its distance from Earth fluctuates. At its closest point, called perigee, the Moon can be about 225,623 miles (363,104 kilometers) away, while at its farthest, known as apogee, it can be around 252,088 miles (405,696 kilometers) distant.

The Moon’s gravitational influence on Earth, coupled with Earth’s gravitational pull, causes ocean tides and affects both celestial bodies. Precise measurements of the Moon’s distance are continuously refined by space agencies and observatories using technologies like laser-ranging techniques, radar observations, and spacecraft missions. Despite this variability, the average distance of approximately 238,855 miles is commonly used as a reference point for describing the Earth-Moon separation.