How is On Campus Placement different from off-campus placement?

Monetary Independence

is one the most important phase in an individual’s life. It gives an opportunity to individuals to think and make decisions in their life by their own!


It is one of the way to get monetary independence. In this process a company hires an individual on the basis of skills that he possesses. It is mainly of two types: 1. On-Campus placements 2. Off-Campus placements


In these placements, college invites several companies to their campuses to recruit students studying in that college. After analyzing different skills being taught by the college and the CV, company sets some criteria to qualify in several rounds and finally get a job in that company. Students who fulfil all the criteria and qualify in each and every round get selected.

Key features:

  • Less Competition In on-campus placement, only the students who study in that particular college compete with each other. So there are more chances of you to get hired.
  • Less Pressure Mostly college negotiates with the companies in terms of packages, date and time of the recruitment.
  • Less scrounging for companies The Training and Placement Cell of the college prepares a list of companies to invite in a particular year. The Training and Placement Cell also inform their students in advance that which company is coming on that particular day. Students just have to go there in perform well.
  • Criteria set by Company Generally in the screening round, criteria that is being set is overall cgpa(most of the time the Training and Placement Cell itself sets this). This is to ensure that the student who has worked hard throughout the college should get more chance of getting hired than those who wasted their time in useless activities. But the big giants like Google does not have cgpa as their criteria, it just wants the skill of a person.
  • Skills provides an Edge Many a times, after screening companies look at the skill set and the previous internships(if any). A person who has good set of skills attracts the company. Major skills include the projects which you have made or worked in, your ranking on some international platform(in case of competitive coder), internships. Analyzing the skills gives satisfaction to the recruiter that this individual has working experience and is best suited for their company.
  • College tag matters Many company rely on the college name as they know that students who had worked hard have got admission in this college. Generally a college with good reputation attracts a range of companies and companies themselves want to recruit from that college.
  • More chances of getting hired Sometimes the recruiters have targets that from a particular college you have to recruit some students. So in the 99.9% of the cases no company returns empty handed. Company always takes some potential candidates with them.

In these placements, individual himself approach several companies. Individual has to really at par with his skills . If the individual has some work experience, it matters a lot.

Key Features:

  • Competition is high In off-campus placement, candidates from different regions participate to compete against you.
  • More Pressure Most often, there are chances that a person miss the recruitment drive being conducted by the company in off-campus placements. He has to keep track of each and every round that will going to take place. Also individual has to travel a lot as different company does not do recruitment in the same venue.
  • More Scrounging for Companies In off-campus placements the individual has to prepare a list of companies in which he has to send the application. Once the application is considered, he gets a notification from the company to participate in the further rounds.
  • Criteria set by Company As compared to on-campus placements, more number of rounds are being conducted in off-campus placements. In off-campus placements, mostly companies don’t see cgpa being scored by the individual. Company looks upon the skill set, projects and the work experience of the individual.
  • Less chances of getting hired As you are competing with a large number of contestants plus the companies don’t even have the pressure of recruiting a minimum number of candidates, so chances of getting placed are low in off-campus placements.

An individual should work on his skills. If he has worked hard and has required skills then he will be definitely get placed in a good company whether he applies on-campus or off-campus. Good luck for your future!