How many hundreds are there in 1000?

Number Systems is a mathematical value used for counting and measuring objects, and for performing arithmetic calculations. It is a system of writing for expressing numbers. It gives a special representation to every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic form of the number. It allows us to operate arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

An equation is a statement that connects two algebraic expressions of the same values with the ‘=’ sign. For example: In equation 9x + 4 = 7, 9x + 4 is the left-hand side expression and 7 is the right-hand side expression connected with the ‘=’ sign.

What is a Number?

A word or symbol that indicates a quantity is known as a number. The numbers 2, 4, 6, etc. are even numbers and 1, 3, 5, etc. are odd numbers. A number is a value created by the merger of integers. These numbers are used to represent algebraic quantities. An integer is a sign from a set of 10 characters ranging from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Any combination of integers represents a number. The size of a Number depends on the count of digits that are used for its formation. For Example: 126, 128, 0.356, -12, 78, 94 etc.

Types of Numbers

Numbers are of various types depending upon the patterns of digits that are used for their creation. Various symbols and rules are also applied to Numbers which classifies them into a variety of different types:

  • Integers: Integers are the collection of Whole Numbers plus the negative values of the Natural Numbers. Integers do not include fraction numbers i.e. they can’t be written in a/b form. The range of Integers is from the Infinity at the Negative end and Infinity at the Positive end, including zero. Integers are represented by the symbol Z. Integers are those numbers whose fractional part is 0 like -3, -2, 1, 0, 10, 100.
  • Natural Numbers: Natural Numbers are numbers that range from 1 to infinity. These numbers are also known as  Positive Numbers or Counting Numbers. We can also represent  Natural numbers by the symbol N. All the integers which are greater than 0 are natural numbers, Counting numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • Whole Numbers: Whole Numbers are the same as Natural Numbers, but they also include ‘zero’.  Whole numbers can also be represented by the symbol W. Whole numbers are all natural numbers and 0 (zero).
  • Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers: All those numbers which are having only two distinct factors, the number itself and 1, are called prime numbers. All the numbers which are not Prime Numbers are termed as Composite Numbers except 0. Zero is nor prime nor a composite number. Some prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 53, 59, 97, and 191. All numbers greater than 1 are composite numbers. Some composite numbers are 4, 6, 9, 15, 16, and 100.
  • Fractions: Fractions are the numbers that are written in the form of a/b, where, a belongs to Whole numbers and b belongs to Natural Numbers, i.e., b can never be 0. The upper part of the fraction i.e. a is termed as a Numerator whereas the lower part i.e. b is called the Denominator. Example: -1/5, 0.25, 2/5, 18/4,…
  • Rational Numbers: Rational numbers are the numbers that can be represented in the fraction form i.e. a/b. Here, a and b both are integers and b≠0. All the fractions are rational numbers but not all the rational numbers are fractions. Example: -2/5, 0.54, 1/5, 13/4,…
  • Irrational Numbers: Irrational numbers are the numbers that can’t be represented in the form of fractions i.e. they can not be written as a/b. Example: √2, √3, √.434343, π,…
  • Real and Imaginary Numbers: Real numbers are numbers that can be represented in decimal form. These numbers include whole numbers, integers, fractions, etc. All the integers belong to Real numbers but all the real numbers do not belong to the integers. Imaginary Numbers are all those numbers that are not real numbers. These numbers when squared will result in a negative number. The √-1 is represented as i. These numbers are also called complex numbers. Example: √-2, √-5,…

What is Meant by the Numeral System?

In Mathematics, a numeral system is defined as a writing system to show the number in an accordant manner. Frequently used numeral system is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. It is in India, and now it is used all over the world. It is considered as a base 10 system which we call the “decimal” system. The value of each digit in a number is explained with the help of a place value chart.

The positional values of Indian and International numeral systems are explained below.

Indian Numeral System

Let us consider a number, say 335. Notice that the integer 3 is used twice in this number. Both of them have different values. We differentiate them by checking their place value, which is defined as the numerical value of a digit on the basis of its position in a number. So, the place value of the leftmost 3 is Hundreds while the one in the center is Tens.

Talking about the Indian numeral system, the place values of digits go in the order of Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Lakhs, Ten Lakhs, Crores, and so on.

In the numbers 10, 23, 45, and 678 the place values of each digit are:


8 – Ones

7 – Tens

6 – Hundreds


5 – Thousands

4 – Ten Thousand


3 – Lakhs

2 – Ten Lakhs


0 – Crores

1 – Ten Crores

The relationship between them is:

1 hundred = 10 tens

1 thousand = 10 hundreds = 100 tens

1 lakh = 100 thousands = 1000 hundreds

1 crore = 100 lakhs = 10,000 thousands

Crores Crores Lakhs Lakhs Thousands Thousands Ones Ones Ones

Ten Crores






Ten Lakhs






Ten Thousands















Example 1: How many hundreds are there in 1,000


There are 10 hundreds in 1000

As there are 3 zeros in thousand. 

1 thousand can be written as, 

1 thousand = 10(100)

1 thousand = 1000

Thus, the number of hundreds in 1000 is 10. 

Example 2: How Many Zeros in 1 Crore?


There are 7 zeros in 1 crore.  

We know, 1 crore = 100 lakhs, and 1 lakh is equivalent to 1,00,000

As there are 5 zeros in lakhs.

1 crore can be written as  

1 crore = 100 (100000)

1 crore = 1,00,00,000.

Thus, the number of zeros in 1 crore is 7.

Example 3: How many hundreds are there in 1,00,000


There are 1000 hundreds in 1 lakh

As, there are 5 zeros in lakhs. 

1 lakh can be written as,

1 lakh = 1000(100)

1 lakh = 1,00,000

Thus, the number of hundreds in 1 lakh is 1000.

International Numeral System

The place values of digits in a number go in the sequence of Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Hundred Thousands, Millions, Ten Million and so on, in the international numeral system. 

In the number 12,345,678 the place values of each digit are:

8 – Ones

7 – Tens

6 – Hundreds

5 – Thousands

4 – Ten Thousand

3 – Hundred Thousands

2 – Millions

1 – Ten Million

The relations between them are:

1 hundred = 10 tens

1 thousand = 10 hundreds = 100 tens

1 million = 1000 thousand

1 billion = 1000 millions

Millions Millions Millions Thousands Thousands Thousands Ones Ones Ones
































Example: How Many Zeros in a Million?


There are 6 zeros in a million. (i.e., 1 million = 1, 000, 000)

We can say 1 million = 1000 thousand.

We know that, 1 thousand = 1000.

As there are 3 zeros in a thousand,

1 million is written as

1 million = 1000 (1000)

1 million = 1, 000, 000

Hence, the number of zeros in a million is 6.

Comparison Between Indian and International Numeral System

Comparing the two numeral systems we observe that:

100 thousand = 1 lakh

1 million = 10 lakhs

10 millions = 1 crore

100 millions= 10 crores

Sample Questions

Question 1: How many Tens are there in 100


There are 10 tens in 100

As, there are 2 zeros in hundred.

1 hundred can be written as,

1 hundred = 10(10)

1 hundred = 100

Thus, the number of tens in 100 is 10.

Question 2: How many Tens are there in 1000


There are 100 tens in 1000

As, there are 3 zeros in thousand.

1 thousand can be written as,

1 thousand = 100(10)

1 thousand = 1000

Thus, the number of tens in 1000 is 100.

Question 3: How many Ones are there in 10.


There are 10 ones in 10

As, there is 1 zero in ten.

ten can be written as,

ten =  10(1)

ten = 10

Thus, the number of ones in 10 is 10.

Question 4: How many Lakhs are there in 10,000,000


There are 100 lakhs in 10,000,000

As, there are 7 zeros in a crore.

one crore can be written as,

crore = 100(1,00,000)

crore = 10,000,000

Thus, the number of lakhs in 10,000,000 is 100.