How many States in US have Right to Work laws?

27 states in the US have right-to-work laws.

In these states, employees in unionized workplaces cannot be compelled to join the union or pay union dues, even if the union negotiates benefits on their behalf. The term “right to work” sounds like a guarantee of employment, but in the U.S. labor law context, it means something quite different. Right-to-work laws prohibit agreements between employers and unions that make union membership or the payment of union dues a condition of employment.

Right-to-work laws are permitted under Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act (1947), a federal law that amended the National Labor Relations Act.

Whether you live in a right-to-work state or not, it’s essential to understand your workplace rights. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is a federal agency that enforces labor laws and can provide more information.

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