How Many Times Can We write JEE Main?

You can take the JEE Main exam six times in total, over three years. Each year, there are two chances to take the exam, once in January and once in April. For example, if you finished your 12th grade in 2021 or 2022, you can take the JEE Main in 2023. If you’re still in 12th grade in 2023, you can try both times that year.

It’s important to read all the rules about who can take the JEE Main to make sure you can take it.

Since the JEE Main happens twice a year, you have to sign up for each one separately. If you don’t do as well as you hoped in January, you can try again in April. You get two chances each year for three years. If you do really well in the JEE Main, you can then take the JEE Advanced. This next exam is partly online (for math and general problem-solving) and partly on paper (for drawing).